Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Pink RibbonHere at BRG Health Solutions we are wearing pink this month in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Every year, 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Take the time to detect early stages of this disease and encourage others to do the same.  It is also a great time to support and encourage those who have been already affected!


Some preventative steps you can take start with caring for yourself by eating well and staying as active as you can. This includes balancing the amount of calories you eat while incorporating physical activity to maintain a healthy weight.  Here are some popular nutritious foods shown to decrease your risk breast cancer:


Cruciferous Vegetables:  These vegetables include broccoli, broccoli rabe, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cabbage and kale.  These veggies are important because they contain phytonutrients that stop the spread of cancer and halt cancer cells from forming.


Vitamin D: It might be difficult to soak up some vitamin D from the sun now that the weather is cooling down.  However, keep in mind that getting your vitamin D from food sources is actually healthier than exposing your skin to too much sun.  Some of the best food sources of vitamin D include milk, cereal, cod, tuna, shrimp and salmon.


Fiber: Researchers found that every 10 grams of added fiber you eat daily will decrease your cancer risk by 7 percent.  Whole grains (especially the bran), fruits, vegetables and legumes are among foods that are highest in fiber.

Red, yellow and orange fruits and veggies:  Carotenoids are nutrients found in fruits and veggies that give them their yellow pigment.  Carotenoids have been associated with a lower risk of cancer, especially breast cancer.  Choose from carrots, sweet potatoes tomatoes and bell peppers.

As you can see, these nutritious foods are one of the best preventative measures against cancer.  By incorporating these cancer fighting foods into your daily meals and spreading the word to your friends and family you can help bring awareness and begin your own fight against breast cancer!


Your turn to take action: How will you join the stride against breast cancer this October?

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