Dial Up the Flavor with Herbs Instead of Salt

Spices-moreSodium is essential for your health. It is a vital nutrient for balancing the fluids in your body, sending nerve impulses as well as a player in muscle contractions. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to live. However, too much sodium or salt throughout your day can have negative side effects as well. In the last 50 years, processed foods have become a staple in the American diet; and processed foods are often loaded with salts or salt-like derivatives. These added salts far surpass the recommended daily amount (RDA) for the average adult.


The daily recommendation for sodium is 2.3 grams (or 2300 mg) per day. Meanwhile, the average adult in the United States consumes 8.1 grams (or 8100 mg) of sodium per day. This dramatic discrepancy is a crucial contributor to our country’s increasing rates of hypertension, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and osteoporosis.


It is nearly impossible to avoid sodium consumption- and trying to do so can damage your health. However, there are ways you can beat the system to reduce your salt intake while still enjoying delicious, savory dishes. Swapping out your salt shaker for a few of these spices will allow you to explore new flavors and jazz up your meals. Before you know it you won’t even miss salt.


Jump for Ginger


Ginger is one of my favorite spices out there. It is a predominant flavor in Indian and Asian cuisine and offers many benefits for your health. Western herbalism has used ginger to improve digestion for those with irritable gut issues and poor bowel movements. It can also be used as an anti-inflammatory making it a valuable tool for pain relief. In certain circumstances ginger can also be used as a natural remedy for nausea.


Ginger’s sweet and spicy flavor can be used to zest up your water or tea. Try juicing it along with lemons to make an interesting lemonade. Blend it with some oil to make a ginger-based salad dressing or add it to your marinade to bring an exciting flavor to your meat.


Tasty Turmeric


Turmeric is an eccentric traditional Chinese spice that has been used as an herbal supplement for thousands of years. Turmeric has a way of detoxifying the liver and can act as a potent anti-inflammatory as well. For those with diabetes, turmeric has been shown to improve disrupted insulin response pathways.


Whether you have diabetes or not, turmeric offers many added health benefits on top of it’s unique seasoning. It is rather similar to ginger and adds a bitter flavor to any dish. Try it by tossing it in roasted veggies, mixing it into your egg scramble or stir it into your soup!


Simply Cinnamon


The first thing that comes to mind when I hear cinnamon is French toast. Come to think of it, cinnamon also reminds me of tiramisu, cinnamon buns and snickerdoodles. Yes, cinnamon is a wonderful accessory for many pastries or breakfast dishes but did you know that cinnamon can also contribute to your health as well?


A small amount of cinnamon a day is capable of stabilizing blood sugars and increasing insulin production. It lowers blood cholesterol levels and contains anti-fungal properties. In fact, I once read that due to its anti-fungal properties, cinnamon can be mixed into your face mask to reduce an acne outbreak.


Fortunately, cinnamon doesn’t always have to be accompanied by lots of sugar. There are a number of ways you can add this spice into your daily routine without consuming pastries. Sprinkle cinnamon on warm apples, dash a little into your tea or add some into your cold cereal. Remember, cinnamon always goes great with oatmeal, which is a great start to any day.


Step out of your comfort zone and try out one of these unique spices that make your meals tasty without all of the sodium. Explore new flavors and find one that you truly like!



Your turn to take action: What spice will you try in your dinner meal tonight?


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