Time for a Healthy Snack! It’s National Pretzel Day

Pretzel DayFeeling sluggish mid-day?  Craving sweets late at night?  Well, I’m here to teach you how to best calm your cravings with the best options for your health! While having well-balanced meals are key, snacking can be just as important for your health.  Many people associate snacking with chips, candy and convenience foods, which is misguided thinking; snacking can be quick, delicious, and healthy!  Make your own snacks and pack them in Ziploc bags to keep in your car, desk, or fridge!

Here are some great healthy snack options, perfect for busy individuals on the go!

Pretzels– It is National Pretzel Day, so why not celebrate this tasty treat! While oftentimes pretzels can be overloaded with sodium, try and choose a brand with a lower sodium content or try unsalted versions.  Dip them in hummus or peanut butter for added flavor, and you will be satisfied for hours!

YogurtYogurt has become very popular and there are so many different options.  It may be overwhelming to figure out which kind to buy.  Whether you prefer regular yogurt, or the thicker, richer, Greek yogurt, choose a non-fat or low-fat option.  There are fruit on the bottom of some, but buying a plain flavor and adding your own chopped fruit or nuts is a better option to ensure you are getting real ingredients instead of just fruit flavored syrups.

Veggie Sticks & Fruit Cups-Try a homemade fruit cup by slicing up your favorite fruits and alternating spoonfuls of cottage cheese or even yogurt.  Cutting up veggie sticks out of cucumbers, peppers, carrots and celery the night before is a great option for something to crunch on throughout the day.

Trail Mix-The great thing about making your own trail mix is that you have control over what is put into it. A mixture of nuts that contain healthy fats such as almonds, pistachios and walnuts along with dried cranberries or raisins and even a few anti-oxidant rich dark chocolate chips can be a perfect, energy-dense combination!

Popsicles-Need a refreshing afternoon snack for you and the kids but don’t want to visit the ice cream truck? Try making this one together (you will need Popsicle molds or just use an ice cube tray): mix together chopped up pineapple or blueberries, add lime juice and some mint leaves in a bowl.  Pour into molds and freeze overnight for a delicious icy treat the next day!

The key to smart snacking is preparation.  Without that, cravings may take over and regrettable decisions can be made.  The more you get used to making your own snacks and figuring out what works best for your lifestyle, the easier and more fun it will be!

Your turn to take action: What will you snack on today?

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4 replies
    • Bonnie R. Giller
      Bonnie R. Giller says:

      Agreed, and so much healthier. We need to get rid of the processed foods…and we’ll feel so much better!

  1. Emily Wilke
    Emily Wilke says:

    Great tips. I had forgot that I use to make my own trail mix. You are right it is so good when you can control what’s it in. I am lactose intolerant so all those yummy yogurt and lo cal cheese are not options for me. So I have to get creative with snacks.


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