5 Fun Ways to Stay Active as a Family this Winter
Although the colder months do make it difficult to stay motivated, there are still many ways to stay on track with your fitness goals this winter. January is National Family Fit Lifestyle Month, which makes now the best time to create healthy habits together as a family.
Studies show that regular exercise decreases stress levels, and helps to improve your overall mood and feeling of well-being. It also aids in building strong healthy bones and muscles, and even helps you to sleep better at night! As a parent or caregiver, it is imperative to set a good example for children by encouraging an active lifestyle.
Here are 5 cool ways to stay fit in the chilly months with your family:
1) Take the stairs – opting for the stairs is a great way to increase your activity level. As long as this is a comfortable activity for you, try taking the stairs instead of elevators/escalators whenever you can.
2) Go ice-skating – what’s a winter without some ice-skating? This fun activity is definitely a family favorite, and can make for hours of fun. In addition to being a cardiovascular activity, ice-skating can help improve your balance and muscle tone as well!
3) Break up TV time – of course the chilly months make us want to curl up with a good movie (or two) from time to time, and that’s okay! You can still be active during TV time, whether it be during credits or commercials. The next time there is some downtime during your TV time, try having a competition with your family involving any of these:
– Jumping jacks
– Racing up and down the stairs
– Sit-ups
– Jogging in place
– Push-ups
4) Make snow time fun – although some of us may not enjoy the tasks that come with snow, try to put a positive spin on it by getting the whole family to help shovel the driveway as an effective way to work those arms! You can also encourage your kids to just go out and play in the snow, or even build an igloo!
5) Stay In and Stay Fit – staying in for some fitness fun can be just as effective as going outside or to a gym. Try out a fun workout or dance video for your family to do together on a chilly night in.
Whatever way you and your family choose to stay active this month, stick with it! By staying active, you’ll stay warm and have a lot of energy to help combat the long nights this winter.
Remember, there’s no guideline on how you and your family should get fit… it can be as simple as dancing around your home every night. Get active whatever way works best for all of you!
Your turn to take action: How will you and your family stay active this month? Let me know in the comments below!

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