Safety Tips for Summer Fun
Pass by the park on a hot summer day and you are sure to find crowds of people enjoying a picnic or playing. One of the best parts of the summer is being able to eat and exercise outside.
However, the hotter climate can pose some health risks, among them foodborne illness.
The good news is that there are ways to mitigate any potential for foodborne illnesses. Whether you are transporting preprepared meals to an outdoor setting or cooking on a grill, there are steps to take to keep you and your family healthy.
Outdoor Food Safety
Proper food safety practices should not be overlooked, it’s crucial to remember that contamination and foodborne illnesses can quickly turn a perfect summer into a dreadful experience. To ensure a healthy summer season, prioritize the following guidelines:
- Pack beverages in one cooler and perishable foods in another. Keep cold foods cold. Place cold food in a cooler with ice packs and keep at or below 40°F.
- Keep raw meat, seafood, and poultry securely wrapped so their juices don’t contaminate cooked foods or foods eaten raw such as fruits and vegetables.
- Rinse fresh fruits and vegetables under running water before packing them. Rub firm-skin fruits and vegetables under water while scrubbing with a vegetable brush. Dry freshly cleaned fruits and vegetables with a paper towel.
- When traveling, keep coolers in an air-conditioned area of your car instead of in a hot trunk. Limit the number of times the cooler is opened.
- Remember to wash your hands! If you are outdoors, you can use moist towelettes or a water jug, some soap, and paper towels.
- Keep all utensils and platters clean when preparing food. Use utensils to handle the cooked meat.
- Insert the meat thermometer into the center of the meat to check the temperature to ensure the meats are fully cooked. To check hot dogs, go from the end of the hot dog to the center. Make sure you don’t pass the thermometer through the meat and touch the cooking surface, or you will get a false high temperature. Do not put cooked meat on surfaces that had raw meat.
- Hot foods should be kept at or above 140°F. Wrap well and place in an insulated
Cold foods should be placed on ice and kept chilled at or below 40°F.
- Keep garbage cans covered to keep flies away. Throw meat wrappers, dirty plates, and trash away immediately.
As temperatures rise, it’s important to be wary of the hazards that come with exercising outdoors. Overheating can pose a significant risk to your well-being and requires careful attention.
Exercising Safely Outdoors
While the beautiful weather may motivate us, even more, to get outdoors, it’s important to keep in mind the potential hazards that come along with exercising in hot weather. If you follow these tips for exercising safely in the summer heat, you can be sure that you are taking advantage of all the fun summer has to offer:
- Stay hydrated: It’s important to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, limiting your intake of caffeinated beverages. Drink 15-20 minutes before beginning your workout and every 15 minutes while you exercise. Don’t assume that you are well-hydrated when you are swimming just because you are surrounded by water. Your body can experience loss of fluids even while in water.
- Feed your body: While the heat may decrease your appetite, it’s important to try to eat 5-6 times per day. Fruits and vegetables will not only help keep you satisfied, but they will help with hydration too. When your body perspires, it loses water which can lead to dehydration.
- Wear Sunscreen: No matter what time of day you choose to exercise, the sun’s rays can always reach you. Sunburn is not only harmful to your skin, but it also hinders your ability to stay cool. Avoid using sunscreen with an SPF lower than 15. The most effective sunscreens have an SPF of 15 or higher and should be re-applied every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating.
- Wear light, loose-fitting clothing: Cotton is the best choice since it is breathable and absorbs perspiration. Stick with light colors to avoid attracting the sun. Avoid extreme changes in temperature. Give your body time to cool down before jumping from being hot and sweaty into a cold air-conditioned area.
- Check the weather: If the heat index is in a dangerous zone, choose an indoor activity to stay cooler instead of heading outdoors. Avoid strenuous activity during the hottest part of the day, which is between 10 am and 3 pm.
- Stay in your comfort zone: Stick to activities that you are most comfortable with, and don’t attempt strenuous activity. Don’t ignore your body’s signals. Heat-related illnesses have warning signs, so be sure to know how to recognize them and what to do.
Enjoy the summer fun while you can! Stay safe out there and listen to your body’s cues. If the heat is too much, seek shelter in an air-conditioned space. Don’t hesitate to reach out to medical professionals if feel signs of heat exhaustion.

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