Raise Your Hand to Stop Diabetes
November is American Diabetes Month and the American Diabetes Association is encouraging people to take action and raise their hand to STOP DIABETES.
You probably know a family member or friend that has diabetes. But have you ever stopped to think about how prevalent it is? Take a look at these stats:
Prevalence of Diabetes:
Total: 25.8 million children and adults in the United States
Diagnosed: 18.8 million people
Undiagnosed: 7.0 million people
Prediabetes: 79 million people
New Cases: 1.9 million new cases of diabetes were diagnosed in adults over age 20 in 2010
As a certified diabetes educator, I often see patients with uncontrolled diabetes. When blood sugar levels are not managed well, there are a host of health complications that can occur. This includes heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney disease, amputations and nerve damage. But guess what? The good news is that these complications can be prevented by managing your blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and body weight. Eating healthy, being physically active and quitting smoking will help you to get on the right track.
If you don’t know your numbers (blood glucose, A1C, cholesterol and blood pressure), call your doctor today and get checked!
Contact a diabetes educator and registered dietitian for diabetes education and guidance on meal planning! We are here to help you!
How are you going to help stop diabetes this month?
What steps will you take to better manage your blood sugars?

Wow, I had no idea the stats were so high. This really gave me a wake up call, because, even though I don’t have diabetes, thank Gd, I know that there is a family history of it. This really motivates me to eat healthy and to exercise more. Thanks Bonnie!