Celebrate Women’s Health Week!

Woman at charity runThis week, May 12th to the 18th is Women’s Health Week! Indulge yourself, pamper yourself, but most importantly take care of yourself.  After all, we are celebrating health! So, cheers to the beautiful and strong woman you have become, for you deserve to be celebrated every day.  Here is a simple plan you can follow this week to help you achieve optimal health.

Wholesome. Choose a variety of foods that will provide your powerful body with the nutrients it needs.  Whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy, fruits and vegetables are essential to maintaining your health.  Make decisions that will promote good health for yourself and your family.

Open. Be open to trying new foods.  Ethnic cuisines, such as Indian offer a multitude of benefits we don’t often receive from the typical American diet.  Food preparations in these cuisines are filled with herbs and spices.  Spices such as, cinnamon and cumin are popular in Indian cuisine and come packed with antioxidants to help keep your cells healthy.

Mindful. Women tend to always be on the run.  We don’t take time for ourselves to relax, or to eat.  Being a mindful eater includes savoring each bite, taking in the delight each meal offers.  By being more aware of what you are consuming, you will be better able to manage your weight and portion sizes.  Practice being more mindful in all aspects of your life by checking out my iEat Mindfully blog!

Empower. Empower yourself and other women in your life by making health a priority.  Encourage them to improve their physical and mental health, and lower their risks of certain diseases. For example: go for a bike ride together, take a brisk walk with the dog, take out the yoga mat, or just enjoy a peaceful walk through a local garden.

Nurture. Everyone needs a little relaxing treat now and then.  How about a massage, mani-pedi or just 10 minutes of meditation? The peace will make you happier and healthier.

Practice the strategies above and you will be one strong and healthy W-O-M-E-N!

Your turn to take action: What improvements will you make to your health this week?

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2 replies
  1. Lindsey Fitzgerald
    Lindsey Fitzgerald says:

    To set yourself up for success, think about planning a healthy diet as a number of small, manageable steps rather than one big drastic change. If you approach the changes gradually and with commitment, you will have a healthy diet sooner than you think.


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