American Diabetes Association Alert Day

alert-day-2014-banner-300x250Tuesday, March 25, 2014 is the 26th Annual American Diabetes Association Alert Day.  This is a one day “wake-up” call for Americans to stop and see if they are at risk for type 2 diabetes.


It is estimated that about 26,000 Americans have type 2 diabetes, and that nearly 79 million (1 in 3 adults) are pre-diabetic!  Diabetes  Alert Day is an opportunity to identify those individuals who are pre-diabetic, as well as those who have diabetes and are undiagnosed. Test takers are asked to answer simple questions about their family history, weight, age and other potential risks of diabetes.  Your “numbers” will also be checked.   Your numbers include blood sugar, total cholesterol, and Body Mass Index screening. Education is given to individuals to reveal warning signs and risk factors of the disease.


For treatment to be successful, early detection is needed.  It is unfortunate that many people are not aware that they have diabetes until major complications set in.  These complications can include kidney disease, blindness, amputation, and stroke.


Who is at risk for diabetes?

 The biggest risk factors for type 2 diabetes are being overweight coupled with living a sedentary lifestyle. Individuals with a family history of diabetes also are at a higher risk.


You can regain control of your health!  To start, incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Just 30 minutes of activity each day for most days of the week can make a huge difference in lowering your risk.  Proper nutrition will not only help promote weight loss, but will also further benefit you in preventing type 2 diabetes and other diseases.


-Choose whole grains instead of processed carbs.

-Drink water instead of sugary drinks.

-Choose mono and poly unsaturated healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts and avocado over hydrogenated oils and saturated fats such as butter, margarine and cream.

-Incorporate the rainbow into your diet by adding a variety of fruits and vegetables.  Adding variety will enhance your intake of essential vitamins and minerals.

-Limit alcohol consumption and quit smoking if you are a smoker!

-Choose leaner cuts of meat opposed to alternatives high in sodium and saturated fat.


If you were diagnosed with pre-diabetes, or have type 2 diabetes, consider meeting with a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator to help assist in menu planning and education.  With a little help from a professional, you can have success in battling and even ridding yourself of diabetes.  For more information on diabetes self-management education, click here.


Your Turn to Take Action:  Click here to take the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test .

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