Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

Be Mindful of Your Salt Intake for National Salt Awareness Week

Did you know that salt has been used for centuries as a natural food preservative? Table salt is not only used to preserve food, it is also commonly used to flavor dishes. Salt is an essential mineral that your body needs to function properly. However, using too much salt is can negatively impact your health….

Enjoy National Nutrition Month® Bite by Bite

Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? This annual campaign was created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to raise awareness about informed food choices, sound eating, and the importance of physical activity.   This year’s theme is “Eat Right, Bite by Bite.” This theme encapsulates the basic principle of intuitive eating…

Peanut Butter Lovers Rejoice!

Did you know that the average American eats about 3 pounds of peanut butter per year?   Whether you’re a creamy or a crunchy lover, don’t miss out on celebrating this delicious power food not only on March 1st for National Peanut Butter Lovers Day but throughout March as it’s National Peanut Month.   Peanut…

Stress Less to Age Better

If you are familiar with my practice, you likely know my stance on diet culture. However, you may be wondering what exactly diet culture entails. Society tells you that you need to be a certain shape, size, or body type to be happy. The only way to achieve this “ideal body” is by following the…

“Come as You Are” During National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Did you know that about 30 million Americans will experience an eating disorder sometime in their life? There is a negative stigma that goes along with eating disorders, which can prevent people who suffer from these disorders from getting help.   February 24th-March 1st is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. This week is dedicated to…

4 Reasons to Eat Chocolate!

Did you know that cocoa seeds were once used as a form of currency? This should come as no surprise given the divine foods that they are turned into. There are so many ways to enjoy chocolate, from dark to milk chocolate, there is no wrong way to eat it. Grab a bar of your…

Show A Little Love for Almonds

National Almond Day may have been yesterday, February 16th, but you can still celebrate by enjoying this delicious food any day! Almonds are a type of tree nut that thrives in Mediterranean climates. Eaten alone, almonds have a dry, neutral flavor; they aren’t sweet or bitter tasting.   Almonds are a very nutritious food that…

Celebrate this Valentine’s Day with Chocolate and Red Foods

Valentine’s Day is here! When you think of Valentine’s Day you probably think of the ones that you love the most. A classic way to show your appreciation on this loved filled holiday is with a box of chocolate. Did you know that chocolate has many nutritional benefits? Continue reading to find out what they…

Grab a Bowl of Oats on February 10th for National Oatmeal Monday

Did you know that the second Monday in February is also known as National Oatmeal Monday? This National food holiday originated in Scotland in the 1800s and has been celebrated ever since, and for good reason. This popular breakfast item possesses numerous nutrients that keeps the body fueled throughout the day!   While oatmeal is…

5 Benefits of Berries

Did you know that berries have been a staple in the human diet since before the start of agriculture? Satisfy your sweet tooth this Valentine’s Day with a handful of berries for National Berry Fresh Month. Given the wide variety of textures and flavors that berries come in, this well-like fruit is enjoyed by many….

3 Steps to a Healthy Heart: Celebrating American Heart Month

Can you believe that it’s already February! Did you know that besides being the month of love (Valentine’s Day), it’s also American Heart Month? This month when you’re celebrating love, remember the place that it comes from, your heart! It’s therefore the perfect time to raise awareness for heart disease.   Heart disease is an…

The Power of Grapefruit!

The mighty Grapefruit, a beautiful fruit packed with power!  With National Heart Month coming up, what better time to add grapefruit to your diet? Consuming Grapefruit has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.   Grapefruit contains plant compounds known as phytochemicals, which are crucial in preventing…

4 Reasons to Eat Blueberry Pancakes this January

Did you know that blueberries are full of immune-boosting antioxidants? This makes them a great addition to any meal, especially pancakes! Start your day off right on January 28th with a fresh stack of blueberry pancakes for National Blueberry Pancake Day.   You may have heard the saying, “breakfast is the most important meal of…

5 Fun Ways to Celebrate National Peanut Butter Day

Did you know that National Peanut Butter Day is celebrated on January 24? This makes now the perfect time to try a new recipe with peanut butter or even revisit an old one! Peanut butter is one of those classic foods that you probably remember eating fondly in your elementary school years. This food can…

5 Health Benefits of Granola (and 4 Recipes!)

Did you know that granola is packed with vitamins and minerals? Not only is granola a delicious snack, it comes with many health benefits. Grab your favorite variety of granola to celebrate National Granola Day on January 21st!   For years granola has been a popular snack to bring along on a hike. But now…

4 Ways Get Poppin’ for National Popcorn Day

Did you know a single kernel of popcorn can swell up to 50 times its original size? Grab a bowl of this crunchy snack on January 19th in celebration of National Popcorn Day.   Whether at the movies, carnival, or just a snack for a night in, popcorn is a popular choice. While you can…

Keep Your Belly Warm Throughout National Soup Month

Now that it’s January, we’re getting into the frostier months of the year. When it’s cold and snowing outside, I always find myself craving food that will warm and comfort me inside. My go-to meal is none other than soup! January is National Soup Month, which is fitting given the winter season.   There are…

Embrace Mindful Eating Month this January

Did you know that Mindful Eating Month is celebrated the whole month of January?   Every New Year people make the resolution to “stick to their diet.” However, this diet resolution can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food and body. Put your best foot forward and start your New Year on a positive note…

The Problem with Traditional Diabetes Programs (and 3 Ways to Get Started on the Weight-Neutral Path)

What do you do when you’re told to lose weight, yet again, to manage your diabetes? Do you go on another diet when in your heart-of-hearts, you know that diets don’t work? Many would tell you “yes, at least you’ll lower your blood sugars”. But they fail to acknowledge that once that weight is regained…

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