Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

Proud to Celebrate NO Diet Day

Have you skipped a meal because a “diet” told you to?  Have you replaced meals with shakes or avoided entire food groups?  Do you restrict your favorite foods or force yourself to eat foods you don’t like because your “diet” says you should?   You may have fallen prey to the many fad diets out…

Kick Up the Taste with Herbs!

Today is the start of National Herb Week!  This week was created in 1991 by the International Herb Association, with the purpose of drawing special attention to herbs.  It is the perfect time to celebrate all the wonderful herbs that can be used to turn your meals into flavorful and delicious creations.   Herbs can…

Celebrating Raisins

Did you know that raisins were discovered by accident?  As early as 2000 BC, grapes were found withered on their vine from the heat.  Since they didn’t want to waste food, they tried them and they quickly became a part of the diet of Mediterranean countries.  Raisin’s popularity then spread to the rest of Europe…

Sweet, Sweet Zucchini Bread

Did you know that the zucchini variety of summer squash is native to Italy?  The word zucchini comes from the Italian zucchino, meaning a small squash.  It was brought over to America in the 1920s, where it was often referred to as the “green Italian squash” and was not recognizable.   Boy have things changed!…

The Power of Flour

We’ve all been there. Struggling between the love of baking and the attempt to lead a healthier lifestyle. There are many flour options on the market today, each one providing a nutritional boost to your baked goods.   5 Flours to Try the Next Time You Bake 1.Quinoa Flour   Quinoa flour is growing in…

Mushy for Mushrooms

Did you know mushrooms are a part of the fungi family?  This may lead you to find mushrooms unappetizing, but it shouldn’t!  They are perfectly edible and are very nutritious.  Mushrooms are neither a fruit nor vegetable and offers benefits to your health outside the realm that produce does.   This Sunday, April 16th is…

5 Tips From a First Time Gardener

It’s time to get your soil prepped and your seeds planted– it’s National Garden Week! During the second week of April we celebrate National Garden Week. That’s right, a whole entire week for planting your own garden. Gardening is a great outdoor activity that can be done with your friends and family.   Growing your…

The Goodness of Crunchy Celery

I used to think that celery was the dullest of all of the vegetables. I used to resent its mild, watery flavor. Who knows, perhaps it was an immature palate that steered me away from celery. But boy things have changed. April is National Celery Month and is a great time to learn more about…

Your Guide to a Healthy Passover

Can you believe Passover is only 1 week away! I’ve been busy cleaning the house and have just started putting my menu together. It all seems so overwhelming but staying organized is my secret to enjoying Passover without the stress and overwhelm.   One of the biggest concerns for my clients over Passover is that…

Produce That Has Sprung

Do you find yourself eating the same fruits and vegetables each week? Every time you go to the grocery store, you want to try that new produce you spot, but shy away from it because you just don’t know what it is. So instead, you pick up spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries once again.   Let’s…

National Sauce Month

March is National Sauce Month which makes this the perfect time to explore new sauces and flavors. I personally love trying new sauces all the time. Sauce can be used to add new flavors and textures to dishes you are already enjoy. However, it is important to be very mindful when choosing sauces.   The…

Turns Out Popeye Was Onto Something

Do you remember watching reruns of Popeye the Sailorman at a young age?  Did you ever wish your muscles would grow like his after you ate a can of spinach?  Unfortunately, spinach does not cause your muscles to grow like that.  But, spinach does keep you healthy and provide your body with many essential nutrients,…

Salt and Your Health

Today is the start of World Salt Awareness Week.  This week was started by the World Action on Salt and Health (WASH) in 2008.  Their mission is to improve the health of populations throughout the world by achieving a gradual reduction in salt intake.  WASH encourages multi-national food companies to reduce salt in their products….

Make Your St. Patty’s Day GREEN

Today is St. Patrick’s Day!  What comes to your mind when you think of St. Patrick’s Day?  Probably corned beef and cabbage, soda bread, and food dyed the color green such as green bagels, green muffins and green cupcakes.   Holidays have a tendency to put your commitment to a healthy lifestyle to the test. …

Jump Start into Spring!

The first day of spring is March 20th, which is quickly approaching and I could not be more excited. Spring always puts me in a great mood.   I live in the Northeast and luckily this winter hasn’t been too bad, but I’m ready for warmer weather, sunshine, and fresh produce from my neighbor’s garden….

National School Breakfast Week- Take the Challenge

This week is National School Breakfast Week!  This is a weeklong celebration of the school breakfast program that is always celebrated during the first full week in March.  It highlights how eating a nutritious breakfast helps children fuel up for success in the classroom and beyond.  The theme for this year’s celebrations is “Take the…

6 Tips to Put Your Best Fork Forward

March is National Nutrition Month® (NMM) and every year there is a new theme to engage you, the public. NNM was created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and is intended to promote nutrition education, highlighting the importance of making informed food choices, and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. NNM became a…

National Strawberry Day

Today is National Strawberry Day and I am very excited about it! Strawberries are one of my favorite fruits.  Truth be told, they are actually considered a “false fruit” because they are made up of dozens of tiny individual fruits coming together as one. These individual fruits are called achenes and are all surrounding the…

It’s Time to Talk About It #NEDAwareness

National Eating Disorder Awareness (NEDAwareness) Week starts this Sunday, February 26th and runs through March 4th.  The theme of this year’s NEDAawareness Week is It’s Time to Talk About It. The National Eating Disorder Association wants to encourage you and everyone else to talk about eating disorders.   Eating disorders affect everyone, regardless of gender,…

All About Leeks

Did you know that leeks are Wale’s national emblem?  The Welsh’s regard for leeks dates back to the 1600s when Welsh soldiers placed leeks in their caps to differentiate themselves from their opponents.  To this day, leeks are still an important vegetable in many northern European cultures.   Leeks are versatile, tasty, and easy to…

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