Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

Cooking with Your Microwave Oven

The microwave oven is a great invention that has helped immensely with modern-day lifestyles.  The microwave provides you with an option for quick reheating when you are busy doing a million things.  Microwave ovens use electromagnetic radiation to heat foods up quickly, efficiently, and evenly compared to other slower methods of heating and cooking.  …

December Monthly Morsels

Buckwheat By Charna Sheinfeld,  Nutrition Intern   Contrary to popular belief, buckwheat is not only unrelated to wheat, it is not even part of the grain family. Buckwheat is considered a fruit seed, making it an ideal substitute grain for those with wheat or gluten sensitivities. Buckwheat is produced widely in Russia and Poland, and…

Mushroom Buckwheat Burgers

These burgers are meat-free but definitely not lacking in flavor. The savory flavors from both the cooked mushrooms and soy sauce blend together with the smokiness of the buckwheat to create a delicious umami flavored dish. Feel free to eat as a side dish or as a main dish on a whole wheat bun with vegetables of your choice.

Winter is coming! 7 Ways to Boost your Immune System Now!

Winter is coming and I am are here to let you know all the ways you can BOOST your immune system just by walking down the aisles of your supermarket. The flu and common colds are among us all winter long, but did you know that there are many things you can do at home…

Are You the Cookie Monster?

No matter how old you are, everyone loves a good cookie.  Cookies are warm and soft and always sweet.  Well, luckily Sunday is National Cookie Day!  Celebrate the holidays and National Cookie Day by sharing a cookie with friends, coworkers and your loved ones.   Kooky History   Cookies were created by accident.  To test…

Join the Peanut Butters Lovers Club

Did you know one 12-ounce jar of peanut butter contains 540 peanuts?   Peanut butter is one of the most loved foods nationwide and is the leading use of peanuts in the United States, which is why there is an entire month to celebrate America’s favorite spread – November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month! …

10 New and Nutritious Ideas for Thanksgiving Leftovers

I love Thanksgiving. Don’t you? Hopefully your Thanksgiving was filled with family, friends and delicious food!   Now that the turkey’s finished and the guests are gone, what do you do with the leftover potatoes, cranberry sauce, and stuffing? There are so many creative ways to reuse your leftovers to make new and tasty dishes that…

Pumpkin-Walnut Bread

Pumpkin bread goes wonderfully with Thanksgiving dinner. You can use this in place of corn bread at dinner or have it as your dessert. Check out My Supermarket Sidekick for tips on dairy products, such as choosing between milk and milk alternatives on pages 37-38. Also check out pages 43-44 for tips on shopping for eggs and the real difference between white and brown eggs.

Whole Grain Stuffing with Apples

Stuffing is a tradition at many Thanksgiving dinners because it is the perfect side dish. This recipe is easy and can be prepared the night before to keep your Thanksgiving stress-free. Check out My Supermarket Sidekick pages 47-49 for tips on how to navigate the label of whole grain breads to pick the best option!

Have a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is hands down one of my favorite holidays.  I love having the whole family in one place and a table full of good food.  It is the perfect way to kick off the holiday season!   However, I do know that with the joy of Thanksgiving comes the stress.  Usually the stress comes from…

Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

Did you know that about 40% of the United States food supply goes uneaten?   This equals out to ~1,500 calories/person/day.  Discarded food in homes and foodservice accounts for 60% of this total food loss, and is avoidable!   Well good thing tomorrow, November 15th is National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day! It may not sound…

National Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States.  One in 11 people have diabetes today and over 86 million people are at risk for developing diabetes.  Yes, you read that right.   Do you want to know what the scary part is about that statistic?  Diabetes is 100% manageable.   November is…

Warm Split Pea Soup

Each year, the second week of November is designated as National Split Pea Soup Week – and for good reason!  Split pea soup is a savory and wholesome dish that is perfect for the changing of seasons.   There are many varieties of split pea soup but the most common ingredients are split peas, broth, onions…

Sweet Potato Awareness Month

We are rooting for sweet potatoes this month! November is National Sweet Potato Awareness Month. You typically see sweet potatoes as a staple on your Thanksgiving table, but I’m sure you eat them year round as well!   Christopher Columbus did what?   History of Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes are native to Central and South…

November Monthly Morsels

Spaghetti Squash By Charna Sheinfeld,  Nutrition Intern Cheap, easy to prepare, versatile, gluten free, and guilt free. These are just some of the many ways to portray spaghetti squash. This yellow, oval shaped squash gets its name because of the way its flesh separates after being cooked into yellow strands resembling spaghetti. At only 42…

Pop, Pop, Pop… Popcorn

October is more than just a month to celebrate spooks and sweets.  It is also a month to celebrate treats that are good for you, like popcorn (which also makes a perfect treat for Halloween).  Luckily, October is National Popcorn Poppin’ Month!   Did you know that Americans consume 14 billion quarts of popcorn annually? …

Top 10 Tips for a Healthier Halloween

BOO! Did Halloween scare you? Are you feeling uneasy with the haunting holiday of sweets approaching? Halloween is always a difficult, but extremely important time to practice mindful eating, but don’t worry! I’ve got you covered.   When you think of Halloween, the first few things that come to mind are probably costumes, trick-or-treating, pumpkin…

National Cranberry Month

Did you know that October is National Cranberry Month? Cranberries add great color to your meals and offer a refreshing taste.  The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recognize cranberries as a nutrient-dense fruit!  They are a great source of antioxidants and have anti-cancer properties.   Cranberry Facts   According to a study conducted by the…

6 Tips to Embrace a Vegetarian Lifestyle

Vegetarian and vegan lifestyles are growing in popularity as millions of Americans choose to go meatless, whether it’s because they are animal lovers or feel that eliminating meat from their diet is simply better for their health.   In hopes to bring attention to these lifestyles, October is recognized as National Vegetarian Awareness Month. It…

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