Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

Banana Chocolate “Ice Cream” Pops

These bananas are dipped in a little bit of chocolate and then frozen on a Popsicle stick. They are great for when you feel a craving for ice cream because they end up with that wonderful creamy texture but without all the calories!

Say Yes to School Breakfast!

Today is the first day of National School Breakfast Week, a weeklong celebration of school breakfast brought to schools nationwide by the School Nutrition Association (SNA).  The movement towards increasing breakfast participation among schools in the US is an important one, as there is a strong association between eating a healthy breakfast and a child’s…

A Juicy Bite at Health

Strawberries are among the most eaten fresh fruits enjoyed in the United States, so it is no wonder why today, February 27, is National Strawberry Day. While strawberries are available for fresh picking across the country, most of the strawberries you will buy from a grocery store will be from California or Florida due to…

The 3 Biggest Mistakes that Keep You Yo-Yo Dieting

Are you tired of jumping from diet to diet without seeing the weight loss you are hoping for?   Do you find yourself frustrated and wondering any of the following…   “It is so hard to stick to my diet. I always feel deprived of my favorite foods and end up giving in to them”…

A Shift in Thinking about Dietary Cholesterol

For quite some time, people have sworn by choosing egg whites over whole eggs to avoid eating too much cholesterol, and for seemingly good reason.  High blood cholesterol is a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease, which is why the Dietary Guidelines for Americans has always recommended that people eat no more…

5 Tips for Smart Snacking

Since 1989, February has been considered National Snack Food Month as declared by the Snack Food Association and the National Potato Promotion Board. While this was initiated as a promotional tool to increase consumer consumption of snack foods during a month with low sales, it is no doubt that 26 years later, snacking is popular…

A Nut that Doesn’t Disappoint

Snacking, whether you’re trying to cut back on it or come up with healthier alternatives, is one of the greatest challenges people face when attempting to get healthier and lose weight.  Well, today is a nationally recognized food day to celebrate one of my favorite snack foods: almonds!  Almonds are known to be one of…

Say “I Love you” a Healthy Way

Valentine’s Day is celebrated each year as an expression of love among partners, friends, and family. We hand out heart-shaped cards, chocolates, flowers, and candy hearts as a way to say “I love you.” This year, treat your Valentine’s and yourself to more than just sweet treats.   Around Valentine’s Day, you may feel a…

Why Meal Plans Work Against You…

“I am struggling to lose weight. I have been fighting this battle for years. I have been on every diet imaginable. So why am I right back to where I started?”   These are the words of many who walk into my office for the first time. I see the pain in their eyes. I…

Top 5 Dieting Mistakes are NOT the Real Reason You Can’t Lose Weight

Every morning I check my email before I start seeing clients. And, without fail, there are at least 2, if not more, emails promoting some “diet miracle”.   Here are some recent examples:   – Rachael’s Guarantee – Down 2 Sizes by Valentine’s Day. Free Trial. – Oprah’s Quick, Easy Way to Get Thinner in…

Think Twice Before “Supplementing” Your Health

The processing, manufacturing and selling of dietary supplements have yielded a billion dollar industry, and it is no surprise that dietary supplements are currently in high demand.  People spend countless dollars on supplements they believe are improving their health, but how can you be certain about the ingredients that are in those little pills you…

Seeing Red During American Heart Month

February always has us seeing red. In fact, today, February 6th is National Wear Red Day. No, not because of Valentine’s Day. It is American Heart Month, a month which raises awareness of heart disease in America.   Heart disease is the leading cause of death in our country, including coronary heart disease, heart attacks,…

Are You a Yo-Yo Dieter? Find out now!

It’s the same story with every diet you start: “this time it’s going to work, this time I’m going to be stronger, this time I’m going to stay committed”.  However, the unfortunate truth of dieting is that it will never help you achieve your long term weight loss goals.  In fact, statistics show that 46%…

February Monthly Morsels

The Versatile Chickpea By Charna Sheinfeld, Nutrition Intern   By now, most Americans have tasted that creamy and popular dip known as Hummus. However, it has only been a few years since we have figured out that chickpeas, its main ingredient, can provide lots of fiber and protein and make for a delicious snack!  …

Braised Chicken Breasts with Chickpeas, Portabella Mushrooms and Rosemary

This recipe offers a flavorful meal that is perfect for a weekend dinner. The delicious combination of onions, garlic and rosemary makes these chicken breasts anything but bland. This chicken dish is also full of hearty, healthy ingredients like Portabella mushrooms and chickpeas so that no side dish is needed!

Chickpea Vegetable Patties

These Chickpea and vegetable Patties are wonderful as a vegetarian side dish to brighten up a meal, or great on their own as a main course. They are fun to eat wrapped in a piece of lettuce or whole wheat bun with some vegetables. They freeze beautifully, so I will sometimes cook up a large batch and then freeze them in packs of two. On a day where I will be out for a few hours, I can just grab two from the freezer in the morning, and eat them for lunch or as a “midday pick me up snack” once they have defrosted.

Turn Up the Heat for National Homemade Soup Day

Soup is one meal that is enjoyed around the world and can incorporate a variety of different ingredients to offer a well-balanced nutritious meal for you and your family.  Nowadays, it is easy to pick up a can of premade soup for a quick easy meal, but it is no doubt that soup is healthier…

The Skinny on “Skinny” Menu Items

Marketing companies are really good at designing and advertising products to make you think they are what you need and want. Food labels are no exception. These days you will find “skinny” alternatives to foods and drink on nearly every menu or supermarket shelf. These “skinny” items may be very tempting if you are trying…

I Ate a Feta Cheese Veggie Quiche. Would You?

Have I mentioned recently how wonderful it is to be an intuitive eater? Yes, I know I have and my hope is that you are moving forward on your intuitive eating journey.   I want to share an example of why it’s so wonderful to be an intuitive eater.   I’m just back from vacation…

Flip Out for Blueberry Pancakes

As the month is coming to a close and the weather is getting even colder, take some time on January 28th to celebrate National Blueberry Pancake Day! I have searched for any reason that this special day is dedicated to a certain type of pancake to no avail, so I’ve put together my own list…

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