Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

Do You Pay Your Dues in the Clean the Plate Club?

When you are eating, do you pay attention to how satisfied you are getting? Or, do you eat until all the food on the plate is gone?   I ask you these questions because as a chronic dieter, you more than likely have become a member (or hopefully an ex-member) of the “clean the plate”…

The Benefits of Eating Together As a Family

I remember as a young girl, we would sit down to have a family dinner every night of the week. My dad would arrive home from work at 6:15 pm and by 6:30 pm dinner was served. We gathered around the table, talked about our days and enjoyed our meal together.   This is a…

Happy National Zucchini Day

Today is National Zucchini Day!  It’s time to celebrate this versatile green vegetable and all the glorious, scrumptious and tasty possibilities this squash has to offer!   But first, did you ever wonder where the zucchini comes from?  Zucchini is actually one of the many types of squash that comes from Italy. Italians introduced it…

Being Mindful With Godiva Chocolate

One of the beautiful things about being an intuitive eater is being able to eat what I love! I don’t have to worry anymore about whether eating a particular food will cause me to gain weight or not.   One of the doubts I often hear from my clients is whether or not they will…

Go Local for National Farmer’s Market Week

This year August 3rd – 9th marks the USDA’s 15th annual National Farmer’s Market Week as we celebrate the hard working farmers and communities that make fresh locally grown produce available to the public.  There is something about locally grown fruits and vegetables that set them apart from those you find in your supermarket.  Nowadays,…

Watermelon-the Perfect Summertime Fruit

When you think about summertime fruits which ones come to mind?  I know for me it’s always watermelon! Perhaps it’s because it is made up of mostly water (92%), making it refreshing for summer.  Or, maybe it’s because the sweetness of this large melon compliments the summer feel.  For whatever reason, watermelon has been coined…

How to Manage Your Emotions without Turning to Food

One of the things that come up often in my work with my clients is how they deal with emotional eating. We all experience different emotions throughout a given day. For some, there might be more than others. Such emotions include anxiety, loneliness and sadness. Other more subtle emotions that often might lead you to…

Are “Refreshing” Summer Beverages as Cool as You Think?

Iced coffee beverages and frozen drinks are popular summer must haves, but what is meant to be a refreshing cool down in the hot weather is often filled with unwanted calories, fat and sugar.  When ordering your cool down beverages, it is important to recognize and avoid the “fat traps” associated with these drinks.  …

Stand Up for Your Health and Reduce Your Risk of Chronic Disease

There is no denying the importance of regular physical activity in both losing weight and keeping it off.  But your weight might not be the only thing affected by your activity level.  According to a recent study conducted at Kansas State University, the amount of sitting time you engage in on a daily basis impacts…

Are You Married to the Scale?

Life as a chronic dieter is plagued with ups and downs, weight loss and weight gain. You want to find that one diet that works better than the rest, which will finally give you what you want, a new body. Well, a diet is not going to get you there. As you may realize by…

Creative Ideas for Your Next Salad

The 4th week of July is designated as National Salad Week! What better time than now to whip out that salad bowl and your salad tongs?  Salads are light and refreshing, so it’s no wonder that National Salad Week is celebrated at the end of July.  There are many combinations and possibilities when you are…

Control Your Stress, Control Your Weight

Stress eating is commonly associated with weight gain by way of making poor food choices, eating larger portions or engaging in mindless eating as a result of stress-related emotions.  While you often attribute the weight gain to the food you’re eating, recent research has discovered that maybe it is the stress itself causing the weight…

Do You Fall Into the Fat-Free Trap?

If you’ve been following my iEat Mindfully™ intuitive eating blog for some time, then hopefully you are well on your journey to becoming an intuitive eater or are already basking in the glory of being an intuitive eater.  It is important to note that the nutrition discussion of foods that are considered “healthy” is best…

“…We All Scream For Ice Cream”

If anyone knows me really well, they will know that I love ice cream. Yep, I am a registered dietitian nutritionist, and I am telling you that I love ice cream. And, I am so excited that the whole month of July is celebrated as National Ice Cream Month!   In 1984, President Ronald Regan…

Are Your Lifestyle Choices Are Affecting Your Memory?

Researchers have discovered that lifestyle and poor health choices early in life not only affect memory later in life, but also affect memory among younger adults as well.   A new study conducted by UCLA has shown that if you are depressed, don’t get enough exercise, or have high blood pressure, you may notice that…

A Berry Healthy Month to You

Now is the time that all varieties of berries are at the peak of their season, which is why we celebrate National Berry Month in July!  There is no better time than the summer months to enjoy the delicious sweet flavor of these tiny fruits that can be eaten on any occasion.   In just…

6 Tips for a Regret-Free Independence Day

Though this week USA was knocked out of the World Cup, tomorrow is the Fourth of July and Americans all around the United States are putting their patriotic side forward to celebrate Independence Day.   This day is a little different than your typical summer barbecue because today’s backyard parties typically include a lot of…

Food Deprivation Leading to Rebound Eating

Overindulging in a food item that you restrict is common if you are a chronic dieter. This is called deprivation backlash-rebound eating.   Here’s a common scenario: you deprive yourself of a certain food, such as your beloved chocolate because you are on a diet and you are not allowed to have chocolate, right? Well…

Safe Grilling this Summer!

As we enter the month of July, I can only bet that you will be firing up the grill much more often than not for the next couple of months!  You may use the grill just for entertaining on the weekends, or use it religiously each night.  Or maybe you are a weekend camper or…

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