Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

Eat Better, Sleep Better, Feel Better

Weight loss can result in several positive changes other than just losing weight. Such positive changes include increased energy, better self-image and self-esteem, improved health, and decreased risk of disease.  Recent research has also found weight loss to improve mood and sleep in addition to the aforementioned positive changes. In other words, weight loss helps…

The Guilt of Food Talk

Do you have a set of unreasonable rules that dieting has created? Is your head constantly filled with chanting words that promote or demote you from eating food that you love? This is the food police voice that is constantly telling you what you should and shouldn’t eat. It’s sort of like the angel and…

National Turkey Lover’s Month

Do you love turkey? Turkey is no longer considered just the traditional Thanksgiving staple. As chicken’s slightly fattier cousin, turkey has really gained popularity over the last decade as a beef and/or pork replacement. This is because turkey meat is protein-rich, but leaner and contains less cholesterol than beef and pork.   National Turkey Lover’s…

Maintain Good Eating and Exercise Habits This Summer

Maintaining good eating habits and exercise is something that many seem to struggle with regardless of the season. For some, the summer brings increased opportunities for healthy habits. This is because exercise activities can finally be taken outdoors, and fruits and vegetables are more widely available. However, for others it may seem harder to maintain…

6 Tips to a Safe and Fun Picnic this Summer

I love picnics. Although I have to admit, I don’t go on picnics as much as I’d really love to.   Picnics are a terrific way to relax and enjoy the warm summer weather.   Summer picnics are social occasions that date back to the Victorian Era as opportunities for people to socialize, enjoy the…

How to Wipe Out the Foods on Your “What-Not” to Eat List

I love lists. I live by lists. Just ask my family members. I have a lot of lists. They help me to prioritize my tasks, stay organized and accomplish what needs to get done.   How often do you make lists throughout your day? To-do lists, shopping lists, what-not to eat lists?   Lists play…

Celebrate Father’s Day the Nutritious and Healthy Way

Father’s day is a time to celebrate all the great fathers in our lives. Whether you celebrate by barbecuing, going out to eat in a restaurant or enjoying an active day, there are ways to keep each of these activities healthy. Keeping them healthy doesn’t mean you have to take the fun out of the…

Take A Stand Against the Scale

Do you find yourself hopping on the scale every morning? Do you rejoice on the days you’ve lost a pound, and scold yourself on the days you stayed the same? The scale starts to have the ultimate power of how you feel and treat yourself during the day. This leads to a cycle of under…

Easy Solutions to Improve Men’s Health

The week of June 9-15th is National Men’s Health Week.   National Men’s Health Week is a time for you to take initiative and really think about what your priorities are when it comes to your health.  Not only should you focus on setting goals this week, but also heighten your awareness of preventable health…

Celebrating Dairy During June

The dairy industry has made many contributions to the world and to public health over the years, which is why every year we celebrate National Dairy Month in June.  Dairy Month began back in 1937 as National Milk Month, as a means to promote drinking milk and stabilize the dairy demand when there was a…

June is National Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Month

Did you know that June is Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Months? The entire month is dedicated to the promotion of incorporating more fruits and veggies into your meals, the importance of doing so with regard to health benefits, and the recommended serving sizes. The promotion of fresh fruits and vegetables will also include safe selection…

Cruciferous Vegetables Decrease Inflammation

Fruits and vegetables are known to contain a wide array of antioxidant vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that are crucial to your well-being. It has been thought that consuming a wide variety of fruits and vegetables may affect health through anti- inflammatory activity. There has been increasing evidence that certain types of vegetables, such as the…

Grill it Up This Memorial Day

Today is a national holiday in which we remember the brave men and women who have died while serving our country.  Over the years, Memorial Day has also taken on a secondary purpose as being the kickoff to warmer weather in which family and friends gather for the first barbecue of the summer. Though barbecues…

May is National Asparagus Month

Did you know that May is National Asparagus Month? The whole month of May is devoted to celebrating this green, stalky vegetable. A look at the nutritional profile of asparagus quickly provides reason enough as to why asparagus is celebrated for a whole month.   Asparagus is a member of the lily family. There are…

New Study: “Exercise Snacking” Shows Positive Effects on Blood Glucose

Are you one who struggles finding time to exercise for an extended period of time?  Work schedules, family, friends and household chores can really put a damper on being able to get to the gym to perform lengthy workouts. Or maybe you’re the opposite and are tired of running numerous miles on the treadmill?  …

Asparagus with Mustard Vinaigrette

Asparagus has never tasted so good! The mustard vinaigrette is a tasty addition to this nutrient packed vegetable…your family will be begging for more.

The Endless Healthy Possibilities of a Salad

The month of May is National Salad Month, and with the warm weather approaching there is no better time to give those ovens a break and put together a refreshing meal full of color, texture and nutrients.  Many people tend to place salads in the category of being just another “boring diet food” but this…

Antioxidant-Rich Spices Can Help Prevent Clogged Arteries and Cancer

Discovering new and tasty ways to incorporate herbs and spices into your meals will result in placing salt on the back burner when it comes to adding flavor to your foods.  As a bonus, there are many wonderful health benefits that herbs and spices have to offer.   Did you know herbs and spices can…

Did I Eat It?

I constantly find myself thinking where did the time go? Or, I have so much to do, there just are not enough hours in the day!  I am sure you can relate.  Society has put so much emphasis on rushing around and getting as much as we possibly can get done in 24 hours.  It…

Yawn! Do You Get Enough Sleep?

Sleep is one of the most precious commodities around. One in which, to some, it seems like you never get enough. To others, the attitude of “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” lets you know that to them sleep is not as valued. Whichever belief you have about sleep, it is important that we get our…

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