Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

Writing the Right Way

If you have ever tried dieting in the past, it is likely you have attempted at some point to keep a food journal.  In theory, this is a good way to hold yourself accountable for the food you’re eating, to notice when you may overeat, and to gauge any other patterns and habits that perhaps…

Make Hand Washing a Habit!

Do you wash your hands? I hope so! According to the Centers for Disease Control, “the most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands.” To that end, this week (12/1 – 12/7) is National Hand Washing Awareness week. The purpose is to raise awareness into the importance…

Healthy Chocolate: Truth or Oxymoron?

What if I told you that eating chocolate is good for your health?  For many, that’s a dream come true!  It is rare to hear the words healthy and chocolate used in the same sentence because many people usually classify it as a guilty pleasure that, after eating it, makes you feel just that –…

4 Stress-Fighting Foods to End the Year with a Bang!

Shopping, cooking, gift wrapping…there’s never enough hours in the days leading up to the holidays.  All too often your eating habits and nutritional health suffers from the stress.  Here are 4 foods to include in your meals this month to fight the stress and come out feeling strong.   Blueberries:  Blueberries are tiny berries that…

Just Say Yum to a Healthier Thanksgiving

Did you wake up one day recently and realize it’s already November? Where did the time go? Halloween is over and now it’s time to look forward to Thanksgiving.  Being that Thanksgiving is a fall holiday, it shares many of the same dishes and trimmings as Halloween, such as pumpkin, sweet potato, and apple.  As…

Relax…and Enjoy Your Food

Given my profession, I spend a lot of time speaking and thinking about food and how it relates to the lives of my clients.  However, what I have noticed when meeting with new clients who are coming to me from a place of chronic dieting, they too speak and think about food all the time,…

Reducing Sodium Intake Slows the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease

The restriction of salt in daily food intake has been noted to lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of developing hypertension and cardiovascular disease.  While this is all very true, a recent study set to appear in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, found that reducing sodium intake provides outstanding benefits for…

The Many Benefits of Sweet Potato

November is National Sweet Potato Awareness Month, a month dedicated to educate you on the many health benefits this delicious root vegetable has to offer!  Sweet potatoes are a popular menu item this time of year and with the holiday season upon us, what better time to tell you all there is to know about…

What Does it Mean to Be “Feel Hungry” and “Feel Full”?

If you have been following my iEat Mindfully™ blog, you have probably seen me use the terminology “honor your hunger” and “respect your fullness.”  You may read these phrases and think that it sounds nice, but do you know what it actual means?  Do you think you’re doing this but aren’t exactly sure?  I want…

FDA Pulls the Plug on Trans Fats

Back in 2006, the Food and Drug Administration passed a law stating that all food manufacturers were required to list trans fats on food labels.  However, as of last Thursday, the FDA determined that partially hydrogenated oil is no longer “generally recognized as safe” for use in food! This major announcement paves the way for…

Celebrate with Me! It’s National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month

Yum, I love peanut butter!  Ask anyone in my family and they will tell you how much I love it.  I was so happy to find out that November is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month.  I guess there are a lot of people who love the stuff, not just me! Americans will celebrate this delicious…

Intuitive Eating for Beginners Plus Yahoo Group – Free

Click here to join for free This group is for you if you are just embarking on your intuitive eating journey or you’ve been working on intuitive eating for a while. It is a safe place to get support and encouragement as you navigate unfamiliar waters. This is not the group for you if you…

Focusing on your Food: Use Your Senses for Maximum Enjoyment

Food, especially food that is truly worth eating, can be enjoyed by so much more than just your taste buds.  A beautiful presentation, a smell that just makes you melt or the manner in which you eat certain foods can truly elevate the experience.  You can easily lose all this as you fly through a…

Fresh, Frozen or Canned?

Are you confused as to how you should purchase your fruits and vegetables?   I recently had a conversation with someone who said canned and frozen fruits and veggies lack nutrients and she would only buy fresh.  While I respect her opinion, I felt compelled to correct this myth.   There is a false perception…

American Diabetes Month®

Diabetes is a disease that is becoming an ever growing health problem in our country.  Nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have been diagnosed with the disease with another 79 million Americans being at risk for developing type 2 diabetes.   The month of November is American Diabetes Month®, a month…

Free Teleseminar – November 5th

How to Survive the Holiday Season Without Overwhelm and Overeating   Breeze through the Holidays Feeling Healthy, Happy and Strong   A LIVE TELESEMINAR with Bonnie R. Giller   Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 1 p.m. EST / 10 a.m. PST   REGISTER HERE. The holiday season can be a stressful time which can lead…

It’s No Trick—Have a Treat!

Halloween—it’s probably one of the least likely times of the year that you want to interact with a nutrition professional.  But if you’ve been traveling down the mindful eating road with me, I can guarantee you that you can handle this holiday AND enjoy some candy too! Halloween can be tricky because let’s be honest,…

Seeing Orange….Pumpkins Here, There and Everywhere

Are you seeing orange everywhere? It’s that time of year; pumpkin flavored food is everywhere and cannot be avoided. With each passing year, the amount of foods flavored with pumpkin increases.   Traditionally, we think of pumpkins being associated with fall, Halloween and Thanksgiving. But as I’m sure you’ve encountered in recent years, pumpkin is…

Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin pie is a staple dessert that we all love to enjoy around the holidays. Pumpkins are a type of squash whose nutrients are often masked by tons of heavy cream and sugar. This pumpkin pie recipe allows you to satisfy that fall time craving guilt-free!

Low Fat or Full Fat…What’s YOUR Choice?

Have you fallen prey to the low fat foods movement in the last two decades? A report issued in the 1970s advised Americans to lower their risk of cardiovascular disease by consuming less fat. Thus the low fat foods movement began.  Do you also feel that all you see around these days are low fat…

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