Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

Survey Findings – Overwhelm and Overeating Biggest Holiday Challenges

I recently sent a survey to my followers inquiring what are their biggest health challenges over the upcoming holiday season from Thanksgiving to New Years.  I was blown away by the number of responses I got and  I promised that I would share the results, so here goes.   46% of people said they get…

Going Nuts for Almonds

Nuts come in all shapes and sizes and offer you protein, healthy fats and fiber.  Although some might be more favorable than others, a recent study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition has discovered that almonds stand out among all the rest in terms of weight management.   The study found that participants eating…

Strong Bones for a Stronger You

Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week is a global event that focuses on musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, back pain, osteoporosis and trauma.  During the week of October 12th -October 20th, individuals and organizations worldwide organize events and projects to bring awareness to ways to prevent, manage and deal with these disorders.   These conditions…

Shake the Excess

We live in a world that unfortunately tends to judge us based on how much we have.  Whether it’s having the most money, the most property, the nicest car, or the most possessions, having a lot is usually a reflection of success in our culture.  Interestingly enough, excess in your life may have translated into…

It’s National School Lunch Week

Pizza, donuts, chicken fingers, oh my! The nutritional value of the food that our children eat at school is just as important as those meals we serve them at home.  This is why the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) was created in 1946 as the largest federal child nutrition program.  This program was designed as…

Celebrating Eating Better by Eating Together

October is National Eat Better, Eat Together Month. This theme was implemented by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in order to encourage making family meal time a priority. Studies show that family meals promote healthier meals and healthier lifestyles. When families eat together, they tend to eat more nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits and…

Are You Minding Your Portions?

Have you heard of the concept of portion distortion?   Research strongly suggests that increasing rates of overweight and obesity are in direct correlation with the increased portion sizes we have experienced since the early 1980s. Individuals are frequently unaware of how much food they actually consume in a single sitting. This lack of awareness…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Here at BRG Health Solutions we are wearing pink this month in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Every year, 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Take the time to detect early stages of this disease and encourage others to do the same.  It is also a great time to support and…

Vote for Your Favorite Apple

Fall is finally here which means pumpkins, colorful leaves and most importantly, apple season!  The month of October is National Apple Month, an entire 31 days designated to enhancing consumer awareness of the usage of apples and apple products.   Believe it or not, there is a lot of truth to the old adage “an…

Am I Always So Bubbly and Happy?

As I sat down today to write my post for the iEat Mindfully™ blog, I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to write about.  But then it came to me.  Earlier today, I was told for about the 10th time this week, how bubbly and happy I am.  “Am I always like that, my…

Methods of Combating Obesity: Can Bite Size and Chewing Technique Help?

As the war on obesity persists with no end in sight, we frequently learn of new and different methods to aid in the combat. Some methods seem simple and easy at first, while deeper investigation can uncover backlash, pros, cons, and loopholes that can prevent effectiveness. Methods range from Mayor Blumberg banning the sale of…

The Trials of Technology and Intuitive Eating

Did you ever look around while you are walking somewhere and notice the people around you?  Is it more common that they are on a smartphone, listening to music or interacting with some electronic device rather than conversing with one another and paying attention to their surroundings?  I know for me the answer yes.  …

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

We are now in the home stretch until the New Year begins.  It’s a great time to assess your health and set S.M.A.R.T. goals so you can look and feel your best.   What is a S.M.A.R.T. Goal? S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely (or Time-Oriented)   Specific: Be very specific when…

The Many Voices of Hunger

There are many facets of intuitive eating…thus the “10 principles”, which are what I call your empowerment tools to help you acquire and understand your internal cues that drive your hunger and satiety.  If you are unfamiliar with the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating, read more about them here.   One of the intuitive eating…

Fruits: The Good and the Better

We all know that fruit is good for you; but are some better than others? Are fruit juices viable substitutions? Which fruits should you be eating everyday?   Recent studies have shown that eating a greater variety of fruits may be more beneficial to oneself than eating a greater quantity.  A research study* found that…

National Celiac Awareness Day

Today is National Celiac Awareness day, a day designated to help bring awareness to Celiac Disease, the auto-immune condition that is associated with the protein gluten.  According to the Center for Disease Control, 1 in 141 people in the United States have Celiac Disease.  This day was chosen as National Celiac Awareness Day to honor…

Cooking and Intuitive Eating

Do you love to cook?  Do you take the time to prepare what you love?  As a past dieter (I’m hoping by now you are on your way to saying that!), consider how you decided what you were going to cook for dinner.  More than likely it was what the “diet menu” dictated for the…

The Sweetened Beverage Debate

We have been hearing about the cons of sugary drinks for several years now. How the impact of sugary drinks could be one of the major causes of this countries increasing obesity. However, not everyone is on board with this debate. Some people do not see what the big deal is. We often hear “why…

Eating as a Part of Your Life—Not Letting it Consume Your Life

When you want to get into a routine and build something into your life, one way to do it is to schedule and plan.  For some, this is also true when it comes to dieting.  You schedule the number of meals you will eat that day based on when the plan tells you to and…

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