Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

Fruits & Veggies – More Matters Month®

Fruits & Veggies – More Matters®is a non-profit organization focusing on helping you eat more fruits and vegetables to better your health.  September is designated as Fruits & Veggies – More Matters Month®.  According to the Fruits & Veggies – More Matters website, 90 percent of adults and children do not eat the suggested amount…

Create Your Own Homemade Trail Mix

Trail mix is the perfect healthy snack that will hold you over in between meals.  Unfortunately, many packaged trail mixes that you can find at the grocery store contain added salt and a lot of calories for a small serving.  Luckily, this is a fun snack that can easily be made at home and allows…

Evaluate and Feel Great!

When you have a diet mentality, there are a lot of things that can take away from you feeling positive about yourself.  Remember those days you didn’t follow “the plan” and you felt that you had failed?  Feeling like you needed to hide to eat something you wanted to eat because that would make it…

Back At It! Back to School Nutrition Tips for Your Kids

As summer vacation comes to a close and the school year approaches, get yourself back in the swing of healthy eating for the year.  By preparing your children ahead of time, and discussing nutrition with them, they are more likely to make healthier choices at school. Healthy eating habits at home are huge influences for…

Energy Boost?

Do you often find yourself reaching for an energy drink to get you through the day? It is a fairly late hour and only now do you have the time to finally sit and attempt to meet a deadline. Before you can begin your task, your attention quickly turns to wondering what is available to…

Being Intuitive With Exercise—Part 2

I hope since last week you have been able to think about how you fit exercise into your life.  If you are making any one of the three mistakes discussed, then today I have some ways for you to reframe your thinking of exercise so that you will see it as a more positive aspect…

First Time on Campus Health Tips

It’s about that time to start packing up your room, getting the last of your text books ordered, and head off to a new chapter of your life at college.  As excited as you may be to see your friends, start new classes and participate in your clubs and activities, I’m here to tell you…

Eating a Bigger Breakfast Promotes Weight Loss and Overall Health

The foods you choose on a daily basis impact all aspects of your health including weight gain, weight loss, your energy level and disease.  It’s probably not news to you that by choosing nutritious foods and eating well-balanced meals you can achieve great health.  Though this holds a lot of truth, recent research conducted by…

Being Intuitive with Exercise

At this juncture if you have been reading my intuitive eating blogs, I hope you have begun to grasp that it is a mindset shift I’ve been encouraging rather than a specific meal plan to follow.  These principles of intuitive eating can also be applied to exercise. If you’ve been a chronic dieter, then most…

A Family That Eats Together Stays Together

As Family Meals Month is celebrated in August, take the time to think of the last time your whole family was together at the dinner table.  It can be tough with sports, tutors, and crazy work schedules to round up the troops for a meal.  However, taking the time to eat with your family will…

FDA Issues New Gluten-Free Labeling Laws

With the percentage of people being diagnosed with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance increasing, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a formal rule that will now give a clear cut meaning to the term “gluten-free,” as well as labeling laws associated with the term. The FDA will now limit the use of the…

Hunger Scale vs. the Bathroom Scale

I have written before about not being a slave to the numbers, be that the size clothing you are, or more common—being a slave to the weight you see on the scale.  Now while I still don’t want you to be a slave to these numbers, there is one scale you can pay attention to…

Do You Farm Your Market?

The definition of Farmer’s Market is a market that sells food directly from farmers to consumers. Typically farmers markets are open-air markets in which various farmers sell their items from a booth-like setting. Featured products include fresh fruits, vegetables, cheeses, and meats. Prepared items, usually in the form of baked goods, jams, jellies, and pastries…

National Watermelon Day

Tomorrow is National Watermelon Day and we can all agree that there is nothing better than biting into a sweet, juicy watermelon during the hot summer months.  Although watermelon is made up of 92% water, this juicy fruit we all love is actually packed with nutrients that are great for our health. Recent research has…

Changes in Life Should Not Change Your Eating Plan

While it is an inevitable part of life, for most of us, change is never easy.  When our normal routine is threatened by things like career moves (good or bad), family crisis, a change in our children’s schedule or any number of other unforeseen circumstances, often the eating plan you have laid out can suffer. …

Breakfast… Is it the Most Important Meal of the Day?

As children we all grew up hearing the expression, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”  A new study was conducted by US Researchers that proves that men over the age of 45 who DO NOT eat breakfast have a 27% higher risk of a heart attack or coronary heart disease than men…

Eating Healthy on Vacation

Are you going on vacation and worried about sticking to a healthy meal plan? There’s no need! There are plenty of ways for you to stay on track and enjoy your vacation.  Most of these tips take only minutes, so it won’t add any time to your pre-vacation prep or your time in the sun!…

Are Workplace Woes Affecting Your Mindful Food Choices?

For some of us, it feels like we live at work.  Monday through Friday our jobs can consume us and we find ourselves at the mercy of food available in vending machines, cafeteria’s conference rooms, or whatever nearby take-out or restaurant venues are in close proximity.  Stressful workdays, bagel Wednesday and coworker celebration cakes can…

A Salad a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Any way you toss it, a main dish green salad is an easy, nutritious meal – – especially on a hot summer’s night where the thought of turning on the oven or stove might make you melt! National Salad Week kicks off today, and summer is a great time to fill up on fruits and…

What’s the Exercise Cost of Your Favorite Food?

How much exercise will you need to burn off a chocolate chip cookie? How about a cannoli?  New research examines how useful it would be to know how much exercise is needed to burn off the calories from various unhealthy treats.  The research, done by Meena Shah at Texas Christian University, suggests that if restaurants…

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