Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

Fitting All Your Favorites into a Healthy Eating Plan

Tell me if this sounds familiar.  You are about to embark on the latest diet plan of the moment.  This diet requires you to avoid eating certain food that you love most; maybe that’s pasta, chocolate cake, or in some cases, even fruit is forbidden.  You assign a date for which you are going to…

“Cool Down” Summer Snacks

The summer heat is in full swing and we are all looking for ways to keep cool.  In the spirit of the upcoming “National Ice Cream Day” this Sunday July 21st, I thought it would be nice to let you know some frozen treat options that not only will cool you down, but they will…

Cereal Smackdown

We’ve heard it over and over again: sugar is bad for your health.  While your body does require a certain amount of sugar (preferably sugar that’s found naturally in fruit and milk), eating too much sugar raises the risk of diseases and conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay.  Processed sugars are…

A Weight Goal is Not a Goal

Having goals is a wonderful way to keep making progress especially when working to achieve a healthy lifestyle.  Goals motivate you and give you specific things to strive for.  While goals should always be measurable and have an allotted amount of time in which they should be accomplished, having a “weight goal” should not be…

Can Pasta Be Healthy?

It is a common misconception that pasta is an unhealthy meal option. One reason pasta might be considered unhealthy is due to its high carbohydrate content. To some, high carbohydrate foods are viewed as unhealthy. However, this is founded on the delusion that all carbs are bad, and fails to consider healthy carbohydrates, such as…

Avatar’s Affecting Behavioral Change

Video games and weight loss—these aren’t two phrases you typically here in conjunction with one another.  Typically you hear the opposite because video and computer games foster a more sedentary lifestyle.  However a new pilot study is making major news showing evidence that avatars who model healthy lifestyle behaviors can encourage women to practice these…

Making Your Spouse Part of Your Journey

If you have someone special in your life, whether it’s your husband, wife or a significant other, it is likely the more time you spend with them, the more their eating habits influence your own.  Sometimes it’s for the better, but especially for women, it could be for the worse.  I recently spoke with someone…

Crunchy Blueberry Granola Bars

Pack one of these bars with your sandwich for lunch or enjoy one as a post workout snack. This recipe is simple to make and your children will love them also. Oats provide fiber to help keep you full. Here’s a hint…they are even tastier and crunchier the day after!

Don’t Feel Blue– Eat Blue!

With its peak harvesting season being the month of July, this month is the time to celebrate the tiny berry that packs a huge punch.  Blueberries, are native to North America and though they are small, they are one of the most nutritious fruits in the world.  One cup contains only 100 calories, provides 14%…

Engaging Your Teens in Healthy Eating Conversations

Findings were reported earlier this week from the Journal of American Medical Association, Pediatrics that raises awareness about how to talk to your overweight teenagers about their health.  The study found that when conversations were centered on weight and weight loss, teenagers were more likely to participate in disordered eating and unhealthy weight loss behaviors…

Don’t Let Bad News Derail Your Efforts

Unfortunately we all are aware that bad news and difficult times are part of life.  It is likely that during these periods there are few things that can make us feel better.  It is at these points where you can make the mistake of using food to ease the pain.  But even if this does…

Ways to Work Your Body in Water

When you think about summer and the weather it brings, you usually picture yourself being outside.  However extreme heat and humidity can often make you want to stay inside rather than be active outdoors.  Summer walks, runs and bike rides are often cancelled due to these heat advisories or the inability to properly hydrate in…

Fun in the Summer Sun!

The wait is over!  After the fierce fall storms, winter blizzards and a not so sunny spring, summer officially begins today!  Not that you didn’t love the season enough already, I thought it would be fun to list my top 10 ways summer makes it easy to follow healthy habits! 1.  More Daylight: During the…

Is the Scale Weighing You Down?

Sometimes when you are embarking on a journey to a body you love, you use certain “benchmarks” that you use to track your progress.  In the past you probably were a slave to the scale, tracking your weight loss progress as often as you can at different points throughout the day.  The scale would often…

It’s National Eat Your Vegetables Day!

Vegetables are a vital part of your daily intake that provides several health benefits. Remember the old adage, “you are what you eat”?  If you remember your vegetables, than you are one step closer to being the picture of health. Vegetables are nutrient dense, that is, they carry a greater nutrient contribution than calorie contribution. …

4 Foods that Help Fight Prostate Cancer

Results from a study were released earlier this week and they couldn’t be more in keeping with this week’s celebration of National Men’s Health. The study reported that pomegranates, broccoli, green tea and turmeric are four foods that have been scientifically proven to possess prostate cancer fighting properties.  Prostate cancer afflicts far too many men…

Meals vs. Snacks: Which Team are You On?

Throughout most of the past decade, the idea of “3 meals a day” was widely accepted and practiced by a majority of American households.  You ate a breakfast of maybe toast and eggs, a sandwich packed for lunch and you would sit down to a dinner that focused on protein as the star, with a…

Marching into Men’s Health Week

The thermometer is rising, the sun is shining, and it’s a beautiful day to be outdoors.  Men everywhere are prepping and cleaning their grills to craft the perfect steak to kick off the season.  With barbecues becoming a bi-weekly, weekly, or even a daily event and the likelihood of increased meat consumption arising from this,…

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle While Eating Out

Last week I brought your attention to the overconsumption of calories that is occurring when people eat outside of the home.  I promised you tips to help work healthy habits into a lifestyle that includes eating out.  I never break a promise, so here goes! Tips you can use the next time you find yourself…

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