Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

The Power of Words in Marketing

Have you ever purchased a product because of certain word or phrase on the package such as “organic” or “all-natural”?  These words can mean many things but often leads you to believe the product is healthy.  This is called the “Health Halo Effect.” In an attempt to see how far this bias went, researchers from…

Revolutionizing School Lunch

As you wander into the average U.S cafeteria, you find yourself faced with industrial sized deep fryers, containers upon containers of frozen and oily foods, sparse in fresh fruits and vegetables.  It is unsettling to think that this is the type of foods school-aged children are being exposed to on a daily basis. To overcome…

The Effects of Lifting Weights on Your Blood Sugar

I have long been encouraging my clients to include both aerobic exercise and strength training into their workout regimen.  This recommendation is suitable for those looking to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle in addition to those with medical conditions such as diabetes.  A consistent exercise program is key!  A question that has…

Here We Go Again-Another Fad Diet

Just a mere couple of months into 2013 and Americans have latched on to a new “magic bullet” called “The Fast Diet.”  To summarize, the “Fast Diet” recommends limiting your calories on two, non-consecutive days during the week to 500 calories for women and 600 calories for men.  The other five days you are free…

6 Key Questions to Self-Assess Your Passover/Easter Eating Habits

Whether you celebrated Passover or Easter, now that the holiday is behind you, it’s time to do a self-assessment on your cooking and eating habits and see where you can improve for next year.  For me, eating on Passover is different than the way I eat all year round.  For one, I eat matzoh instead…

American Association Diabetes Alert Day

Tuesday March 26, 2013 is American Diabetes Association Alert Day!  This is a “wake-up” call for all Americans to find out if they are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.  While there are millions of people in the U.S. diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, there are many more that are unaware they may be at…

World Water Day

World Water Day is about joining together to highlight the global water crisis and celebrate our triumphs thus far.  This international holiday was suggested at the 1992 United Nations Conference in Rio de Janeiro and established on March 22nd 1993.  The theme of this year’s World Water Day is Water Cooperation. Socio-economic development, the environment,…

April Blog Challenge

To all my valued blog subscribers, Beginning on April 1st, I will be participating in an Ultimate Blog Challenge.  The challenge is that I have to publish a new blog post each day in April.  I am excited to be a part of this challenge and to share it with you. Each day in April,…

Embracing Greens for St. Patrick’s Day!

No matter your nationality, St. Patrick’s Day brings out the Irish in everyone!  However, holidays can have a tendency to put your commitment to a healthy lifestyle to the test.  The St. Patrick’s Day traditions like dark beers, Irish soda bread and corned beef and cabbage may not coincide with your eating plan, but it…

Eating for Wellness, Not Weight Loss

When you are a child, there are so many exciting things to experience every day, and meals and snacks are just a part of the routine.  Life is not driven by your meals and snacks and whether or not you will eat the “right” or “wrong” food.  There is pleasure in the friends you are…

Registered Dietitian Day!

Today is a special day to celebrate the food and nutrition experts, Registered Dietitians! Registered Dietitians help individuals with weight management, provide nutritional education and promote healthy eating patterns for disease prevention. They also help create meal plans, monitor improvements, and help to motivate and guide one to make positive behavioral changes for lifelong health….

Breeze into Passover with these Quick, Easy and Healthy Tips

Passover is quickly approaching.  The cleaning has started, and you might already be planning your shopping list and menus.  Staying organized is key to preventing getting overwhelmed.  Enjoying Passover in a healthy way doesn’t mean you have to compromise the foods and traditions you love. With proper planning and recipe modification, Passover recipes can be…

“Let’s Move! Active Schools”

Recently Michelle Obama announced a new initiative called “Let’s Move! Active Schools.” This is a program that coincides with her initial campaign, “Let’s Move!” to get kids more physically active during school hours. Many schools are seeing a decrease in funding for their physical education programs, therefore creative solutions are needed to preserve daily playtime…

Tofu Veggie Burgers

Your family will never miss the meat in these tofu Veggie Burgers. Packed with flavor, they also contain a serving of vegetables in each burger! Who could ask for more between two buns!

Kick Colon Cancer’s Butt!

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.  Did you know that colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States? The irony is that is it also the one of the most preventable cancers.  Reduce your risk of colorectal cancer by getting screened, knowing your risk factors and having a healthy…

Repair Your Relationship with the Mirror

It is not always easy.  You’re standing in the dressing room with a new outfit on and the fluorescent lighting hits all the “trouble spots.”  Or you just ate dinner and are changing into pajamas and you catch a glimpse of your stomach in the bedroom mirror and are not especially thrilled with what you…

National Nutrition Month: Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day

It’s my favorite month of the year again because it’s National Nutrition Month! This year’s theme set by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is “Eat Right, Your Way, Every Day”. Educating people on nutrition and the importance of consistent physical activity are some of the goals that I am dedicated to giving my patients….

Warm Up With Chili

Today is National Chili Day!  Whether you enjoy your chili with beef, chicken or vegetarian style, chili is a popular comfort food during the winter months.  Unlike many comfort foods, indulging in a warm bowl of chili actually proves to be beneficial to your health! Here’s why: The most common ingredient in chili is, of…

Hearty Vegetable Chili

Feel like a bit of spice for dinner tonight? This hearty vegetable chili is full of fiber, nutrients, and best of all its delicious! Enjoy with a side of brown rice and a fresh green salad for dinner. I know you will be satisfied.

Change the Tape that Plays in Your Head

It can be frustrating to not achieve the weight loss goals you have set out for yourself.  Often you might see this as a failure and a reflection of who you are as a person.  You therefore develop a negative internal monologue with yourself that tends to only perpetuate weight gain or the inability to…

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