Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

World Food Day 2012

Today is World Food Day, which is a global initiative to end hunger. It is estimated that 1 in 7 people suffers from being under-nourished, but with the amount of food produced throughout the world, this statistic is shocking and seemingly unnecessary. Becoming educated and willing to change even a little bit in the way…

Chocolate: A Treat for the Taste Buds and Your Health

Dark chocolate has earned its place in the category of healthy foods and rightfully so. Cacao is rich in plant derived flavanols.  Flavanols are classified as a type of phytochemical. Phytochemicals are popping up in the news more and more because of their proven anti-oxidant power, and other health promoting properties. The only way to…

Keeping Yourself Healthy with Immune Boosting Foods

The multi-state meningitis outbreak has spread to 198 people, resulting in 15 deaths thus far. Out of the thirteen states that have been affected by the New England Compounding Center’s contaminated steroid injections, Tennessee has been hit the hardest with 52 infected persons and six deaths. It has been estimated that 14,000 people may have…

Breast Cancer Awareness

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and although there are some factors such as family history that we can’t change, it is only accountable for 20% of patients with breast cancer. There are things we can do to help prevent this disease, starting with routine mammograms for early detection. Maintaining a healthy weight and…

Dilled Mushroom and Asparagus Quinoa Salad

Simple, good for you flavors come to life in this healthy side dish. This
recipe highlights the power that herbs and natural flavors of whole foods
can have over your taste buds. Enjoy your whole grains and veggies in this
delicious combination!

To Your Health: October 2012

  In this Issue: Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors to Help Decrease Breast Cancer Risk Your Health and Your Weight Beauty Foods Give Your Yogurt a Tweak and Go Greek Pink Power Smoothie Recipe News and Events Quote of the Month A Note from Bonnie October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I would like…

6.6% of Severely Obese Americans and Counting…

Startling research published online by the International Journal of Obesity has found the percentage of American adults that classify as severely obese has increased dramatically since the year 2000.  In 2000, approximately 6.6% of adults in the United States (15.5 million people) were severely obese, a vast increase from 3.9% in the year 2000. What…

Child Health Day

Monday was Child Health Day, observed nationally in the U.S. I wasn’t able to post on Monday, but I didn’t want to let the day go unnoticed. Child Health Day promotes the education of nutrition and exercise to children as well as providing educational tools for their parents. Teaching health promotion and wellness at an…

Our Staff Weighs in on Goals for the Fall

Now that it is officially a new season, what better time to set some new goals and reorganize from the laid back days of summer?  The staff here at the BRG Dietetics & Nutrition, P.C. are juggling being back in school, working, and volunteering which makes it more challenging to plan and prepare healthy meals…

Overweight Teens Not Eating More Calories-Physical Activity is the Answer

A new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics finds that overweight teens ate fewer calories than normal weight teens of the same age.  Researchers collected and analyzed data from close to 13,000 US children between 2001-2008 on the number of calories eaten using a two-day food questionnaire. Many people assume that the cause of…

New School Year + New School Menu = Healthier Kids

Do you remember the school lunches when you were a kid?  How about at your children’s school?  Do chicken nuggets, greasy pizza and hot dogs sound familiar?  That will not be the case this school year!  The USDA has given school cafeterias a makeover with their Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act…

NYC Supersized Soda Ban Passed!

This morning, the New York City Board of Health approved Bloomberg’s  proposal to ban the sale of soda and sugary drinks in cups or containers larger than 16-ounce in restaurants, movie theaters, and other public venues.  This has been a very public issue, with the Health Department receiving more than 38,000 oral and written comments…

Celebrate National Vegetarian Awareness Week

The second week of September is National Vegetarian Awareness Week! With more restaurants offering vegetarian menu options, supermarkets carrying more vegetarian products, and farmer’s markets popping up left and right, now is a great time to explore leading a more plant based lifestyle. There is a whole host of health benefits that you can gain…

Celebrate National Cholesterol Education Month by Getting Your Levels Checked

September is National Cholesterol Education Month! Make sure to get your cholesterol levels checked this month! Your body needs cholesterol to work properly. However, having more cholesterol than necessary in your blood can cause clogged arteries which can lead to a heart attack, stroke, or other serious heart disease. It is important to be aware…

To Your Health: September 2012

In this Issue:  Stock the Kitchen – Fridge Essentials | Freezer Essentials | Pantry Essentials Herbs and Spices Essential Kitchen Equipment Happy National Mushroom Month News and Events Recipe of the Month Quote of the Month A Note from Bonnie School is back in session, summer days are in the past, and now it is…

Brown Baggin’ it for a Healthy Back to School Lunch

It’s back to school time!  While many parents are focused on buying new clothes and school supplies for their kids, they may forget about the importance of buying food to pack a nutritious lunch every day! Eating a well-balanced meal in the middle of the day can help stimulate brain activity, give your child the…

Serena’s Success Story

Eight weeks of success have flown by and here we are with our last success story of the summer!  Our final story comes from Serena*.  Serena has been a teacher for various grades 1-8 for forty years.  She is currently teaching second grade. Like many of our other success stories, Serena had tried many diet…

Healthy Hints for College Students to Avoid the Freshman 15

The “Freshmen 15” is a phenomenon that deals with college student’s weight gain during their first semester of school. Naturally a change in environment can alter one’s eating habits as they break out of their usual routine.  Understanding why this might happen could help you or a friend in targeting this health concern before you…

Don’t Get Held Back, Stay on the Healthy Track

Hectic schedules and full time jobs are big responsibilities. When you’re busy, it can seem impossible to make time to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  This is especially true when you are spending a lot of time in the car commuting long distances to the office, or playing chauffer for your kids.  But don’t let the…

Pros and Cons of Processed Foods

As a registered dietitian, I encourage my clients to eat less processed foods and more whole foods.  “Choose your foods in the form closest to the ground,” I tell them.  But truth be told, in this society where working moms are constantly on the go, they inevitably turn to some processed food.  Is this good…

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