Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

You’ll Be Itchin’ to Get in Your Kitchen! Part I

Is the kitchen a “new room” for you?  Don’t know how to set it up for meal-time success?  Well fear not!  In the next two posts, we’ll simplify the kitchen, and turn it into a place where fun and happy memories can be made.  Today we will go over what types of appliances and tools…

Melanie’s Success Story

Today is the first blog post of our Summer Success Stories!  Today we are celebrating Melanie*.  Melanie is a lactation consultant and mother of three.  When she started working with Bonnie, she had never tried any kind of formal “diet” or meal plan before.   Her attempts on her own were not working and she was…

National Eat Beans Day!

Today we are celebrating the numerous health benefits of beans! Beans are also known as legumes which are seeds, pods, or other edible parts of a plant used as food. While some of you out there might be thinking “Oh, I’m not a fan of beans”, it is probably because you’ve only tried a few…

Festive Fourth of July Food Ideas!

The Fourth of July is in a few days.   There is nothing like a BBQ with friends and family to celebrate Independence Day.  As you know, it is tradition to represent the colors red, white and blue in honor of our country.  Planning ahead for your celebration is a must so here are a few…

A Summer of Success!

I hope everyone has been enjoying summer so far!  Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, and despite our good intentions, we sometimes stray from our healthy lifestyle because of the kids being home, barbeques, pool parties and vacations.  So I thought I would keep everyone inspired this summer by starting a weekly “Summer…

Tea from A to Z!

It’s National Iced Tea Month!  Iced tea is the perfect beverage to cool you down on hot summer days.  If you are not a tea drinker you then are missing out on all it’s wonderful qualities.  If you ARE a tea drinker then I hope this blog helps you utilize tea to its full potential! …

Exercise Class Finder: Our Staff Weighs in on the Current Trends Sweeping the Country

According to the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, you need to do two types of physical activity each week to improve your health: aerobic and muscle-strengthening. Adults need at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity  such as brisk walking or jogging every week as well as muscle-strengthening activities on 2…

Healthy Snacks/Beverages to Cool You Down this Summer!

Today is officially the first day of summer, also known as the “summer solstice”, the longest day of the year! The reason behind this is because the sun reaches its most northern point in the sky, which is why our days start getting shorter after today. On average the first day of summer was never…

It’s a Beautiful Day for a Picnic!

Happy Picnic Day!  It’s a beautiful sunny day, the birds are chirping and it seems like a shame not to be outside on such a lovely day.  You just invited your friends and family to join you for a picnic because let’s face it, when was the last time you enjoyed a picnic?  Now it’s…

To Your Health: June 2012

In this issue: Summer of Color Foods from the Rainbow Add Color to Your Day National Dairy Month: Say Yay! To 3 A Day! Father’s Day Special Recipe of the Month: Blueberry Jicama Fruit Salad Quote of the Month A Note from Bonnie As a food and nutrition expert, I always stress the importance of…

Eating Tips for Healthy Skin

Skin is your largest organ system, so now is the time to give it some attention!  The benefit of a healthy eating plan shows with a glow that radiates through your body. Follow these fascinating tips on ways you can maximize your health and allow it to be proven with beautiful skin: Skin Saver-Carrots: The…

Celebrate National Men’s Health Week June 11- 17th, 2012

The week leading up to Father’s Day is known as National Men’s Health Week which is geared directly towards the awareness of avoidable health issues along with prevention and early detection of disease among males. While you may put off testing because you claim to be “too busy” or “feel healthy”, try and think of…

National Dairy Month: Say Yay! To 3-a-Day!

June is known for many things such as the beginning of summer, the end of school and warm weather, but strong teeth and bones?  Well, we can now add this to our list of why June is so great because it is also known as National Dairy Month!  Dairy is essential because it provides us…

Stay on Track This Summer!

After enjoying the recent beautiful holiday weekend, everyone seems to be getting into the summer spirit.  Calendars are filling up fast with barbeques, pool parties, beach trips and vacations.  While these are all fun filled activities, they can also pose a challenge to the healthy lifestyle you are creating for yourself.  Here are some helpful…

Healthy Desserts to Bring to Your Memorial Day Party

The best part of any family gathering is the chance to share nutritious desserts that taste great. Whether freshly made or baked, the sweet ending to a holiday meal can be fun to make, and full of good health. Take advantage of your red, white, and blue fruits! Fruits are packed with antioxidants such as…

Be a Grill Master this Memorial Day!

Monday, May 28th is Memorial Day which of course means lots of parties and barbequing this weekend! While many people may choose to feed their guests the standard fare of hot dogs and hamburgers, there are countless options for using your grill and impressing your guests while keeping it healthy! It doesn’t matter if your…

Health Benefits of “Fro-Yo”!

If you look around your town, I bet you have noticed a growing trend of frozen yogurt shops opening left and right.  These places sing the health benefits of the icy treat, while enticing you with toppings galore.  Today, during National Frozen Yogurt Week, we celebrate the good things about frozen yogurt, and help you…

It’s a Beautiful Day to Get Moving in May

It’s a known fact that American’s lead very busy lives.  We are always on the go, and if it’s not on the schedule, then it’s likely we will not be able to make time for it.  That’s why it’s so important to make exercise part of your daily routine; that way you won’t put it…

May 2012: To Your Health

In this issue: 6 Step Slim Down Plan • 3 Steps to SHAPE UP • Maximize Your Results • Celebrating Sassy Salads! • Foodie Fact: Strawberries • Recipe of the Month: Mixed Greens Citrus Berry Salad • Quote of the Month

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