Entries by Bonnie R. Giller

It’s Your Time: Celebrate National Women’s Health Week

This week, May 13-19th, is National Women’s Health Week!  For all you moms out there, Mother’s Day pampering isn’t over yet.  This year’s theme is “It’s Your Time” and is directed at women who put their children, spouse, and others before themselves.  This week is about making your health a priority.  Women play many roles…

Celebrating Sassy Salads! Happy National Salad Month

Salads have gotten a bad reputation as being a notorious diet food.  You think about a bowl full of iceberg lettuce and a couple of tomatoes thrown in and you would be right to picture salads as the enemy.  But this month we celebrate salad, and look at the ways it can be satisfying as…

Get Creative with Fresh Herbs

Put down the salt shaker because it’s National Herb Week.  Bring flavor to your dishes with calorie-free herbs.  Try growing your own this week so you can have fresh herbs at your disposal.  If you are a beginner, start with mint.  Compared to other herbs, mint requires the least amount sunlight and water to grow….

Kick it up a Notch with Salsa

It’s National Salsa Month and I don’t mean the dance.  Salsa is the perfect dipping sauce to spice up your meals.  Salsa can be made or purchased with different levels of heat.  So, whether you like it mild or extremely hot there’s a salsa for you.  Luckily, this condiment is low in fat and has…

I’m Praisin’ the Raisin!

Happy National Raisin Day!  The snack you loved as a child is just as good for you as an adult. Raisins are naturally fat and cholesterol free, and are a terrific low sodium snack.  They come from various grapes, which is why you can find them in white, golden and red-purple varieties.  Since dried fruit…

Ancient Grains for Your Health

Grains have been a huge part of people’s diets for centuries and have provided excellent health benefits throughout the years.  By now you probably know that it is better to eat whole grains such as whole wheat pastas, cereals, brown rice, and oatmeal, than refined grains.  But have you ventured into trying some of the…

Be Seen Going Green This Earth Day

Happy Earth Day everyone!  With technology booming and a society that is not exactly based on taking time every day to stop to admire the blue skies above or the flowers blooming around us,  let us take the time today to appreciate our natural surroundings and think about how we can be kinder to planet…

Go Garlic Go!

April 19, 2012 is National Garlic Day!  What a great day to celebrate the many uses of this wonderful vegetable!  Garlic has many health benefits and is used in many recipes in lots of different ways.  In the past, garlic was used to prevent and treat the flu and even the plague.  More recent health…

Build a Better Sandwich: Happy National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day!

Happy National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day!  That’s right; the warm, gooey comforting grilled cheese sandwich has its own holiday!  What better way to celebrate than to go over some tips on how to give your classic sandwich a healthy makeover. Bread:  Try making your grilled cheese sandwich using whole wheat bread instead of white bread….

Grow a Green Thumb and Garden for Good Health!

Spring has certainly sprung, and this unseasonably warm winter has made April an even better month to begin your own garden.  And what better week to do it than during “National Garden Week!”  Even if it is just a small pot of fresh herbs, caring for a garden can make a difference in your health….

A Healthy Diet Can Reduce Your Stress

April is National Stress Awareness Month.  In today’s day and age, we all have jam packed schedules and take many responsibilities.  At times it can be extremely overwhelming, but there are things you can do and foods you can eat to help manage and control your stress levels.  High stress levels can cause health issues…

April 2012: To Your Health

In this issue: Gluten Free Diet 101 • Gluten Free, Weight Loss, and Your Health • Quinoa. The feature article in this month’s newsletter called Gluten Free Diet: 101 will provide information about what a gluten free diet entails and who really needs to follow it. Find out the facts before jumping on the bandwagon of this trendy diet! While many of you probably know that quinoa is one of the highest protein containing grains, there are many people that have never heard of it. Try my Spiced Quinoa with Veggies for a fast and super-healthy dish!

Countdown to Passover: Final Tips

Here are the last 10 tips in my 30 Tips in 30 Days Countdown to Passover Series!  There is still time to get Passover the Healthy Way:  Light, Tasty and Easy Recipes Your Whole Family Will Enjoy at www.passoverthehealthyway.com. TIP # 10:  Be a smart consumer and know your prices.  Check out the circulars from…

Fresh Tomato Day is on its Way!

This Friday, April 6th, is Fresh Tomato Day!  Did you know that tomatoes are actually a fruit not a vegetable?  They contain little seeds which put them in the fruit category but have the versatility of a vegetable.  The tomato has nutrients that can lower hypertension, reduce the risk of cancer, treat urinary tract infections,…

Energy Drinks – Are They Safe?

Our lives grow busier each day.  We live in a society where sleeping 7-9 hours a night is not an option, except for the weekends, and even those fill up fast with family functions, kids sports game, or catching up on the weeks work load.  It is no surprise that the country has taken such…

Spring has Sprung! Enjoying the Fruits and Veggies of Spring

Spring has sprung and so have the fruits and vegetables.   April will bring fresh strawberries, nectarines and asparagus.  To get the best use out of your fruits and vegetables, be sure to select the freshest produce and store them properly. Strawberries Pick the brightest strawberries with green tops.  The sweetest berries are small and fragrant.  …

American Diabetes Association Alert Day

Diabetes has been diagnosed in 18.3 million Americans, both male and female and amongst all types of ethnicities.  Odds are you know someone who has type 2 Diabetes or know people with a family history of Diabetes.  Today (March 27th) is the American Diabetes Association Alert day!  Today is used as a “wake-up call” asking…

Make Popeye Proud on National Spinach Day!

Your mother always told you to eat your spinach and she knew what she was talking about!  Spinach has been around for centuries and became popular in the United States by 1806.   By the 1920’s the popular cartoon, Popeye the Sailorman, used spinach to give Popeye his muscles and strength.  Spinach is an excellent source…

Countdown to Passover: More Tips

I am taking a break from my Passover cleaning and menu planning to share another 10 tips with you in Part 2 of my Countdown to Passover: 30 Tips in 30 Days! TIP # 20:  You’ll go CRAZY over Passover the Healthy Way’s Craisin Almond Macaroon recipe!  It’s not only delicious, it’s a calorie saver! …

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