Belly Fat in Men Increases Risk for Osteoporosis
This title raises an eyebrow for two reasons: One, belly fat is usually discussed in conjunction with cardiovascular disease, and second men are not usually linked to being at risk for osteoporosis. However a study published yesterday by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) found that deep belly (visceral) obesity is a risk factor for bone loss and decreased bone strength in men.
Not all body fat is created equal. Subcutaneous fat is the kind that lies just below the skin and though still undesirable, is not as dangerous as visceral fat, which is located deep under the muscle tissue in the abdominal cavity. The amount of visceral fat you have is determined by genetics, diet and exercise.
Several studies have already confirmed that higher amounts of visceral fat are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. This particular study published yesterday used a special type of CT scan to assess the risk of bone strength and predicted fracture risk. The results demonstrated that specifically abdominal visceral fat specifically was detrimental to bone strength in obese men. Interestingly enough, men with higher BMIs but lower levels of visceral fat did not have as great a risk as those with lower BMIs, but higher levels of visceral fat. This finding only emphasizes the importance of keeping belly fat to a minimum.
Here are some tips to reduce belly fat and your risk of osteoporosis:
Fight Fat with…Fat! Earlier I mentioned not all fat was created equal. This is true not just for body fat, but the fat found in your food. Increasing your consumption of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids found in avocados, nuts and salmon can actually help reduce belly fat. Eating more of these foods will lead to decreased consumption of unhealthy saturated fats from animal proteins and fried foods which lead to more belly fat.
Be a Cardio King: Strength training is key to any workout plan, but men have a tendency to make it their only type of exercise. A varied training program that includes at least 3 days of 30-60 minutes of cardio will do more for reducing your belly fat than just strength training alone. If you are just starting out, try a walking program. For more advanced exercises take a spin class or take a boxing class. Boxing is a great way to incorporate strength training and cardio in one workout!
Calcium is Not Just for Women: In lieu of this study, men might want to consider following the example of the women in their lives and make calcium rich foods a part of their menus. Incorporate foods such as low fat dairy products, fatty fish like salmon, and dark leafy greens into your everyday eating. Not only will the calcium in these foods help with bone strength, replacing the higher fat foods with these choices will assist in lowering belly fat.
Say No to Yo-Yo: It has been proven that losing a lot of weight and regaining it in cyclic patterns (otherwise known as yo-yo dieting) can result in higher amounts of belly fat when the weight comes back on. Repair your relationship with how you eat by changing the way you think about food. Rather than trying different diets to achieve your goal weight, try the non-diet approach.
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Women tend to get a lot of the focus when it comes to health problems like osteoporosis or yo-yo dieting, but men shouldn’t be ignored. As this study shows, men are not immune to certain health problems they once thought they were. So gentlemen, make yourself a priority and try one of these MEN-y tips as your first step towards a healthier lifestyle!
What are some ways you will work to reduce belly fat?

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