Caramel Coloring in Soda Linked to Cancer?
As you know, there are a vast variety of colas available on the market today. Soda is a popular drink of choice despite criticisms for its high sugar content and links to obesity and other health problems in both children and adults. It is important to note that even though diet sodas contain less calories and no sugar, they are no healthier than regular pop.
New studies have been raising the interest of researchers and consumers. CNN issued a report last week citing the concerns of Consumer Reports regarding the caramel coloring of soda. The caramel coloring contains a chemical known as 4-methylimidazole, which is a trace impurity that is formed as a byproduct during the manufacturing or cooking process of certain foods and dark sodas. The FDA is now taking efforts to further examine the chemicals’ possible link to cancer. As of now there are no federal limitations on how much 4-methylimidazole can be added to soft drinks. This has the strong potential of being changed in the future. It’s interesting to see that in California, 4-methylimidazole is included on the states list of carcinogens. Furthermore, there are also warning labels which must appear on labels of foods and beverages that contain more than 29 micrograms. ONE 12 ounce bottle of soda contains this amount!
Many studies done thus far with the purpose of considering the chemical compound a carcinogen have had inconclusive results in human studies. However, The National Toxicology Program issued results of studies conducted on mice that directly correlate 4-methylimidazole to cancer. This is enough evidence to signify that there is absolutely no reason why consumers should be exposed to this chemical when its only purpose is to turn food brown. Isn’t it better to avoid or limit amounts of 4-methylimidazole going into our beverages instead of suffering the possible consequences of cancer?
Most people understand that soda is not healthy and continue to drink it anyway. As a matter of fact, data from Beverage Digest reveals that Americans consume 1.3 eight ounce cans of soda per day on a normal basis. If America is going to consume beverages containing the potentially dangerous chemical, most would agree that we should be cautious and have limitations on amounts being put into our soft drinks and other colored beverages. The possible risk that soda is containing carcinogens should be enough to urge limitations on all beverages if we will continue to consume them.
Your turn to take action: How do you feel about putting limitations on amounts of 4-methylimidazole going into your beverages?

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