November is National Georgia Pecan Month! Georgia is the primary pecan manufacturing state and September marked the peak harvest for this buttery, crunchy nut. High production rates will continue throughout this month, making pecans easily accessible all year-round. This delicious tree nut is rich in essential health boosting nutrients. Pecans are a delicious portable and…
The Nutrition Key with BRG
Beauty Tips for Your Skin Found Right in Your Refrigerator
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDENovember is National Healthy Skin Month – who knew! Possibly in preparation for the cold winter months ahead, the American Academy of Dermatology has designated November as the month to increase awareness of how you can keep your skin healthy, fresh and hydrated. I’ve always been a firm believer in the saying “you are what…
Raise Your Hand to Stop Diabetes
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDENovember is American Diabetes Month and the American Diabetes Association is encouraging people to take action and raise their hand to STOP DIABETES. You probably know a family member or friend that has diabetes. But have you ever stopped to think about how prevalent it is? Take a look at these stats: Prevalence of Diabetes:…
Breakfast…Your Mother Was Right (Again!)
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDESo, tell the truth! Do you run out the door in the morning without eating breakfast? You have the best of intentions to eat when you get to the office, right? But when you get there, you have many “fires to put out” and before you know it, its 11:00 am and your stomach is…
Celebrate Food Day
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDEToday is Food Day, created by the Center for Science in the Public Interest. The purpose of Food Day is to recognize the importance of healthy, affordable foods produced in a humanitarian way. There is no doubt that fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains are delicious. However, throughout the years our American food system has…
What Grade Would You Give Your Child’s Lunch Box?
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDENow that school is back in session, have you given thought to what’s in your child’s lunch box? I recently attended Meet the Teacher night at my daughter’s elementary school. One of the first topics the teacher spoke about was lunch and snack options! Not math, science, English or social studies but FOOD! It struck…
10 Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Developing Breast Cancer
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDEAs you are well aware, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, now celebrating 25 years of awareness, education and empowerment. While there are some factors, such as family history that you can’t change, there are several things you CAN do to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer. These tips are likely recommendations you…
“Pick” Your Nutrition…Apple Picking This Fall
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDEMy kitchen is now overflowing with freshly picked apples that I can use in my favorite fall recipes! Apples are a great fruit to cook and bake with; not only because they are delicious but because their health benefits go a long way! This power food is free of fat and cholesterol, low in calories…
Cantaloupe Lovers Beware: Important Food Safety Tips
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDEI’m sure you have heard about the cantaloupe scare and are probably wondering if it is safe to resume eating this juicy sweet fruit. Like many other foods, cantaloupes can also cause food borne illnesses if proper food safety procedures are not followed. In recent news, there has been buzz about a food safety recall…
Does Your Plate Look Like MyPlate?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDEThe USDA MyPlate had its big debut a few months back in June. This new food icon that was launched can be used as a visual to help people eat healthier, balanced meals. The real question now is what changes have YOU made since MyPlate has been released. Think back over the past few months and…
Welcome to My Blog!
/4 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDEWelcome to my blog! I am a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator. I have been thinking for a long time about starting a blog but never moved past that thinking stage. I have now decided to take the plunge. I am excited to share nutrition tips and suggestions with you to help you improve…
Make it a Healthy Halloween!
/3 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDEWhen you think of Halloween, the first few things that come to mind are probably costumes, trick or treating, pumpkin carving, and of course TONS of candy and sweets. It’s the only night of the year where we can transform ourselves into any character of choice (and not be labeled as crazy). And of course…
Makeover Your Leftovers
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDEI hope you had a relaxing, wonderful Thanksgiving! Did you use some of the healthy tips I provided to make this one of your healthiest Thanksgivings ever? I hope so! One of the best things about the Thanksgiving meal is there’s usually a ton of food left over. And what better way to stretch your…
Simple Ingredient Swaps for a Healthier Meal
/2 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
With summer right around the corner, everyone is trying to watch what they eat and go extra hard with their workout routine. I have some great news; you can still eat the foods you love while watching your figure, just by making simple ingredient substitutions. Swapping one or two ingredients still keeps the delicious taste…
Forget the Snow, Get Up and Go! Wintertime Exercise Ideas
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDEAlong with winter comes holiday season, cold weather and usually LOTs of snow! Okay even I’ll admit it…getting out of bed in the winter is a bit harder. So take your extra 5 minutes snooze and then let’s get moving! Even with the chilly climate, fitting in an exercise routine IS POSSIBLE. There are PLENTY…

The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or the care of a physician. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. If you suspect you have a health problem, please contact your health care provider.