Cooking with Your Kids to Create Healthy Eating Habits
Did you know that the cooking skills you acquire in adolescence can have an impact on your nutritional status into adulthood? A research study found that adolescence who had an active role in the kitchen had long-term nutritional benefits such as increased vegetable intake.
Getting your children active in the kitchen can be hard, especially when you’re in a rush and just trying to get dinner on the table. However, there are easy tasks that children and teenagers can do in the kitchen to make cooking a fun enjoyable experience for all.
The learning does not stop when the cooking is complete, and your family is ready to eat. Your children also learn healthy eating habits at the dinner table. There are certain behaviors that you as the parent can practice, helping your child develop healthy eating patterns that will transcend into adulthood.
5 Ways to Get Kids Involved in the Kitchen
No matter how big or small your child is, there is always something that they can help with in the kitchen. When your child has an active role in cooking, they are more likely to enjoy the meal. Here are 5 easy ways you can get your kid more active in the kitchen:
1. Washing Produce: This is a simple task that even the young ones can help with. All you need is a produce brush, soap, and water. You can use this time to explain the importance of washing food before eating it.
2. Peeling Vegetables: If your child is a bit older, but not ready yet to use a knife, let them try peeling the carrots or potatoes.
3. Slice the Bread: If you are having some bread with your meal, have your child slice it. Bread can be easier to slice than most foods, so it’s a good beginner step.
4. Crack the Eggs: This one of those tasks that children love to do and can try at a young age. Give your child a separate mixing bowl and let them crack the eggs for the meal, and don’t forget to check for shells.
5. Mix the Dry Ingredients: This is a quite easy activity that the youngest ones can do. Once they are older, they can even measure out the dry ingredients before mixing them.
4 Healthy Dinner Table Habits
When you are ready to finally eat the meal that you prepared as a family, there are certain behaviors you can teach your children to help instill healthy eating habits. Here are 4 ways you can model healthy dinner table habits:
- Sit down at the dinner table. Don’t just stand at the counter eating, make a point to have the meal at the table.
- Turn off all distractions. Put away the phone and turn off the television. Focus on the food in front of you.
- Set a positive tone. Try to make eating an enjoyable experience. Don’t focus on all the negative experiences of the day.
- Create a colorful plate. Your child models their behavior after you. If they see your plate is well-balanced with vegetables and protein, they are more likely to have a colorful plate too.
Cooking and mealtime should be an enjoyable experience for all and is a great learning opportunity.
Your Turn to Action: What meal are you going to prepare with your child? Let me know in the comments below.

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