Cruciferous Vegetables Decrease Inflammation
Fruits and vegetables are known to contain a wide array of antioxidant vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that are crucial to your well-being. It has been thought that consuming a wide variety of fruits and vegetables may affect health through anti- inflammatory activity. There has been increasing evidence that certain types of vegetables, such as the cruciferous vegetables may be particularly beneficial in decreasing inflammation. Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Bok Choy, Brussels sprouts, and kale.
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has recently published a study which evaluated the association of cruciferous vegetable intake on 1005 middle aged, healthy Asian women to examine their effects on inflammatory and oxidative stress. Cruciferous vegetable intake was also compared with other plant-based foods.
Usual dietary intake was assessed during the first 12 months before the study through a food frequency questionnaire. In-person interviews were conducted before the study in which five cruciferous vegetables commonly consumed were listed as separate items. Inflammatory and oxidative stress markers were used to measure subjects’ amounts of inflammation and oxidative stress. Subjects with less than detectable limits were excluded from the study.
The study confirmed that higher intake of cruciferous vegetables was associated with significantly lower circulating concentrations of pro-inflammatory markers in the body. Additionally, individuals with the highest intake of cruciferous vegetables had a lower death rate and lower cardiovascular disease rate deaths compared to the group with the lowest intake.
Summertime is finally here and there are many ways you can increase your cruciferous vegetable consumption to obtain the wonderful benefits these veggies have to offer.
So, let’s brainstorm ways you can incorporate cruciferous vegetables into your summer recipes, menus, and barbeques to help decrease inflammation and increase the quality of your life!
Here are some ideas:
– Try adding broccoli and cauliflower into your favorite pasta salads.
– Brussels sprouts are great marinated in Italian or Balsamic dressing and grilled on the barbeque.
– Make a crisp salad with kale greens instead of the traditional lettuce.
– Hummus goes great with broccoli for a healthy and refreshing summer snack idea
Simple swaps and a little creativity can go a long way!
Your Turn to take Action: How will you incorporate cruciferous vegetables into your menus this summer?

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