Give Your Breakfast A Boost for Build a Better Breakfast Month!
Do you start your morning with hot oatmeal or cold cereal? Perhaps you are more of a pancake or waffle person. There are so many amazing breakfast foods, that it’s so hard to decide. Create the ultimate morning meal and make the most of your morning throughout September for National Build a Better Breakfast Month!
You’ve probably heard the saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” While you may have heard the saying, you may not know the meaning behind it. Well, research shows that eating a healthy breakfast in the morning can give your metabolism a boost, improve cognition, and help stabilize your blood sugar levels.
Whether you’re always on the go or you take your time in the mornings, you should try and make having a nutritious breakfast a priority. Spruce up your typical morning go-to meal by adding in variety from all the food groups. Don’t be afraid to mix things up!
Benefits of Breakfast
Unfortunately, many people skip out on breakfast, which can start your day off on the wrong foot. Breakfast is an important meal that fuels your body to ensure you have the perfect start to your day, Check out all the benefits of eating breakfast below:
- Energy: When you sleep, your body is in a fasting state that is broken at your first meal. When you have breakfast, you are restoring your energy levels by fueling your body with nutrients to keep you going throughout the day.
- Vitamins & Minerals: Your body needs vitamins and minerals to carry out every day functioning. Breakfast foods are rich in important nutrients such as fiber, B vitamins, calcium, iron, and fiber.
- Cognition: Breakfast boosts brain power! The carbohydrates you consume at breakfast get broken down into glucose which your body uses for energy. Eating breakfast can help improve your mental performance, memory, and attention.
Building A Better Breakfast
Breakfast is a great time to include foods from all the various food groups. When it comes to creating a healthy breakfast, the key is whole foods. Here are some tips to consider and foods to include…
- Choose Fiber: Fiber is found in whole grain foods such as oatmeal, quinoa, and whole wheat bread. These are great options to include when making toast, oatmeal, and other dishes you enjoy.
- Include a Few Food Groups: If you are having cereal for breakfast, add some fruit, and raw veggies on the side. This ensures your meal has as many food groups as possible at your first meal of the day.
- Opt for Lean Meats: Choose a lean source of protein for your breakfast such as turkey bacon, Greek yogurt, or eggs.
- Swap Fruit: Yogurts and prepackaged oatmeal are great breakfast options but can be loaded with added sugars. Always read the label and choose no sugar added options. You can add some sweetness with fresh fruits!
Breakfast Tips
It’s time to reinvent breakfast. Let’s face it, some mornings there just isn’t enough time to whip up a big breakfast and make it to work on time! Check out some helpful breakfast tips below to help you save some time in the morning.
- Prep meals the night before, such as overnight oats.
- Pair carbs with protein such as toast with eggs or oats with Greek yogurt.
- Bake your eggs into breakfast egg muffins to save time and make a unique and delicious meal.
- Utilize simple ingredients for the morning and be sure to include fruits and veggies.
Don’t forget to listen to your hunger cues. You may not be hungry as soon as you wake up and that’s okay. Pay attention to your body and eat breakfast at a time that works for you.
Your Turn to Action: What’s your favorite breakfast meal? Let me know in the comments below!

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