Healthy Ways to De-Stress
Summer is a time for relaxation; however stress can still sneak up on us despite the sunny season. Unfortunately food is sometimes a crutch a lot of people use for handling stress. Usually using food to deal with anxiety adds up to even more anxiety from unwanted weight gain, or low self-esteem due to uncontrolled binging. But don’t stress! Even here at BRG Dietetics & Nutrition P.C., my staff experiences stress and having to find healthy ways to deal with it. Here I share some of the ways we deal with stress and anxiety without using food.
I de-stress…with deep breathing! It seems so simple. Breathing is essential to life, but sometimes a nice deep, cleansing inhale is all you need to clear your mind. Deep breathing exercises on a daily basis can be as important to your routine as food choices and exercise. Mental clarity is sometimes the key to other aspects of your health falling into place. Try taking 5-10 minutes out of everyday to close your eyes, take a deep breath in through your nose for ten seconds, and then let it out slowly through your mouth for another ten.
Shelbi de-stresses…. by reading! When you are looking for inspiration, look for something to read. For her, reading biographies leads her to discovering people that she admires. Sometimes when you look at somebody else’s journey, it makes you feel like yours is not as difficult. You start to recognize similarities in your journey and theirs. Seeing how they got through their hard times may inspire different ways to deal with your situation. Other books with a strong hero or heroine may also help you find strength when you are feeling stressed out.
Carolyn de-stresses…by taking some time for herself! Consider going for a run. This time to yourself may be the perfect way to get all of your thoughts sorted out. If you are feeling overwhelmed, your mind will race as your body is moving which may calm you. Not only are you taking time to figure things out and take some deep breaths, but you are able to allow your body to naturally de-stress itself. Running releases hormones called endorphins which are known to create what is known as a “runner’s high”. Running makes you more resistant to emotional stress by reinforcing structures in the brain, essentially toughening you up against life’s daily pressures. If you are not a runner, start with a long brisk walk.
Rachel de-stresses…with sports! Getting in “the zone” is like a Zen experience where no one can get in your head. It is a state of mind where you are thinking of nothing else but the task at hand. Some might explain it as a kind of tunnel vision where one concentrates at the athletic task, while shutting out the rest of the world. Sports recycles your energy. You get to use all of your aggression, nervousness, excitement, anger or whatever else you may be feeling. Nerves might kick in beforehand, but once the competition starts, nerves go away, and it’s just you and the game. Individual sports gives the athlete alone time while teams sports are great for socializing and sharing a passion with people who have similar interests.
Harriet de-stresses…by focusing on healthy food! Choosing healthy foods can actually relieve stress! Under stressful times she is sure to make healthy food choices and have balanced meals instead of choosing high fat, high sugar foods. Making good decisions with her meals and snacks keeps her calm and feeling happy, healthy and stress-free!
There’s always a stressful moment around the corner. Calm yourself quick with some of this advice on natural nerve-settlers. Whether you are talking to your boss about a promotion, your spouse about bills, or your kids about their behavior, take a second and see how you can incorporate a relaxing moment in your day.
Enjoy these tips and ask yourself, what healthy ways could you de-stress your body?

These are all such great ideas! Finding ways to stay stress-free is key – especially when you want to live a productive, fun-filled life!
I agree! These ideas will help one to find alternative activities to do in times of stress, instead of turning to food!