Hooray! It’s “Eat a Red Apple Day”!
An apple a day keeps the doctor away! We’ve all heard this saying before in order to get us to eat more fruits, but there is some truth to it. With the cold season quickly approaching, the winter cold, flu, and sore throats are inevitable. Keep your immune system strong with plenty of vitamin C and antioxidants. “How I should do that?” you may ask…eat an apple!
Apples are a good source of vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells in your body from free radical damage. They are also high in fiber, contain large amounts of phytochemicals, specifically flavonoids, and are relatively low in calories (approximately 80 calories in a medium sized apple). Research shows that the presence of these phytochemicals may play a role in cardiovascular health and lowering risk of cancer.
Selecting Apples
There are over 7500 varieties of apples available. Purchase apples free of blemishes and brown spots. Wash apples under running water before eating. Dry with a dry towel or clean paper towel.
Healthy Apple Snack Ideas
- Apple slices with almond or peanut butter
- Add diced apple to your oatmeal or breakfast cereal.
- Layer low fat cheese and thinly sliced apples on whole wheat crackers
- Baked apple with a sprinkle of cinnamon
- Hot Apple Cranberry Crisp
- Apple Cheddar Quesadillas (see recipe in one of my earlier blogs)
Celebrate Eat a Red Apple Day today by choosing a red apple for your morning snack and surprising your loved ones with a juicy apple in their lunch bag!
For more recipes incorporating delicious healthy apples, check out my Recipes to Remember Cookbook.

I put an apple into each one of my kid’s lunchboxes today!