Kiwi Crazy
Although summer is quickly coming to an end, it doesn’t mean we can’t learn something new about one of my favorite summer fruits- the kiwi! We usually see these little green gems laying on top of a fruit salad and think “well that adds a nice pop of color” but does the kiwi actually hold any nutritional benefit?
Back to the Basics
So to answer the above question- yes! The kiwi is among one of the most nutrient dense fruits, which means it holds a lot of nutrients for a small amount of calories. Did you know that the kiwi actually has more vitamin C than the same size serving of an orange? Not only is the kiwi rich in vitamin C but also in vitamin E, folic acid, chromium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, and calcium. Well that sounds great but let’s look at why having all these nutrients in our diet is important.
First, vitamin C helps with the immune system, wound healing, and iron absorption. Vitamin E has been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease. Folic acid helps with red blood cell production. Potassium maintains fluid balance while calcium helps build strong bones. If that’s not enough to convince you to give this fruit a chance, I’m not sure what is.
How to Eat a Kiwi
You want to look for a firm, plump kiwi with no visible bruising or wrinkling on the skin. Also, try giving it a sniff to see if its fruity smell is coming through, which is a sign of ripeness. Most of us do not find the fuzzy skin appealing but it actually is edible if you wash it properly. If you don’t want to try it out, just cut your kiwi in half and scoop out the middle.
Some of my favorite ways to eat a kiwi are to dice it into small cubes and mix it into my Greek yogurt with a handful of granola and other cereal. Another great way to enjoy a kiwi is to blend it into your smoothie with a frozen banana, almond milk, frozen strawberries, and a fresh peach. That sure screams summer to me! Finally, you can just slice it in half and enjoy it as is or mix it into your fruit salad.
Your turn to take action: Try picking out a few kiwis at the market this weekend and replacing your usual fruit with this powerful little green gem!

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