Make Hand Washing a Habit!

Hand washingDo you wash your hands? I hope so! According to the Centers for Disease Control, “the most important thing you can do to keep from getting sick is to wash your hands.” To that end, this week (12/1 – 12/7) is National Hand Washing Awareness week. The purpose is to raise awareness into the importance of hand washing. Hand washing can help prevent the spread of numerous illnesses and infectious diseases, including colds, hepatitis A, meningitis and diarrhea.


Everything we touch contains germs. When we touch germ-infected surfaces or objects the germs get on our hands. If our hands contain germs, then we spread the germs onto anything we touch. It is in this respect that germ spreading is a vicious cycle that cannot be controlled. Therefore, hand washing, at the very least, can help combat germ spreading and make a big difference in your home or work place.


Germs are most often spread through food and human or animal waste. Germs that cause disease live in food products like meat and vegetables. When food handlers handle raw meat and then vegetables or salad without washing their hands in between activities, then it is likely they have just spread germs from the meat to the vegetables or the salad. Food handled in this way is a frequent occurrence that often leads to the consumption of germ-laden food. When the contaminated food is ingested, the germs have an opportunity to manifest in the body into an illness. The germs then pass through the body and end up in human excretion. If you do not wash your hands after using the bathroom, that is, after you have excreted waste from your body, then you likely have passed those germs onto your hands. Everything you touch from that point on will also become contaminated.


What this has taught us is that it is extremely important to wash hands before handling food, after handling food, and after using the bathroom. Other times to be especially aware to wash your hands include after changing diapers, cleaning up after your pets and handling money.


There are six main rules of hand washing that are disseminated during hand washing awareness week. The rules predominantly dictate when to wash hands, some of which have already been mentioned. Other listed rules include washing your hands before eating, do not cough or sneeze into your hands, refrain from putting your fingers in your eyes, nose or mouth, and avoid touching people and surfaces when your hands are dirty.


There is a correct way to wash your hands that should be followed every time you wash your hands. Hands should be wet, washed in warm water (not hot), and soap should always be used. Make sure to thoroughly rub your hands with soap and water, ensuring all crevices are scrubbed. You should rub your hands for a minimum of fifteen seconds, the same amount of time it takes to sing the “happy birthday” or alphabet songs. Therefore, it is a good idea to sing these songs while washing your hands to ensure thorough washing. Hands should be rinsed thoroughly and then dried on a clean towel. The towel used to dry your hands should also be used to turn the faucet off and open the door handle. This will ensure your just washed hands remain clean.


By regularly washing your hands, especially after the events mentioned above, you can do your part in significantly decreasing the amount of germs in your home or workplace.


Now it’s time for you to take action. Make sure to wash your hands frequently and correctly this week and always.



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