May 2012: To Your Health
In this issue:
- 6 Step Slim Down Plan
- 3 Steps to SHAPE UP
- Maximize Your Results
- Celebrating Sassy Salads!
- Foodie Fact: Strawberries
- Recipe of the Month: Mixed Greens Citrus Berry Salad
- Quote of the Month
A Note from Bonnie
Summer is right around the corner and with the heat comes sleeveless shirts, short shorts, and of course bathing suits. Before you head out to purchase the next crash diet or quick fix promise, try these 6 simple tips to slim down. Not only are they easy to implement (with a little forethought and planning), but they also promise lasting results; helping you feel confident, strong, and sexy this summer season! When it comes to your summer slim down plan, working with a registered dietitian can help ensure you reach your goals in a healthy and positive environment – while still living and loving your life! Contact me today to schedule an appointment.
6 Step Slim Down Plan:
1. Drink water…and lots of it! When it comes to any weight loss plan, drinking water is essential! The general rule of thumb is to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces. For example if you are 150 pounds, then consume 75 ounces of water a day which is equivalent to four and a half – 16 ounce water bottles.
Drinking water helps with weight loss by flushing out your system of toxins and built up products, as well as helping to keep you full, resulting in less total calories consumed. Research has also found that being dehydrated will actually slow down one’s metabolic rate – meaning your body burns less calories when you are not properly hydrated! For best results it is recommended you drink pure water because pure water will not have extra chemicals, additives, sodium, or sugar that your body needs to process and eliminate. If you simply drink 8 – 10 ounces of water before and after each meal and snack then you can easily reach your goal!
2. Cut the sugar. Sugar comes in a variety of forms and can be naturally occurring; such as in fruits (fructose) and milk (lactose), or added sugar such as table sugar, syrup, honey, corn syrup, and agave nectar. For your summer slim down plan, omit the added sugar from your diet. No need to eliminate fresh fruit or milk, unless medically advised. The most common places one will find added sugar include: regular soft drinks and fruit punches, candy, cakes, cookies, pies, snow cones, ice cream, and fruit flavored yogurt. Added sugar can also be found in a variety of packaged foods such as cereals, instant oatmeal, breakfast bars and those “diet friendly” 100 calorie snack packs. Next time you are reading the food label, check out how much sugar is in each serving. As a general rule of thumb, if it has more than 7 grams of sugar then think twice before adding it to your summer slim down plan.
3. Increase fiber intake. Fiber is a secret weight loss ingredient because fiber is the part of plant based foods that our bodies cannot digest. This means that fiber will help keep us full longer without providing any additional calories. Eating more whole and natural foods with less processed and packaged foods is the first step to increasing your overall fiber intake. Some good examples of high fiber foods include: vegetables, fruit, lentils, dry beans and peas, brown rice, as well as whole grains such as wheat, oats, and barley. Aim for 25 – 35 grams of fiber a day. If you are just beginning to increase your fiber intake, do it slowly. Increasing your fiber intake too rapidly could result in gas, bloating, and/or diarrhea. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water when adding fiber to your diet. Without the proper fluid intake, increasing your fiber intake could result in constipation instead of elimination.
4. Skip the salt and slash the sodium! In January 2010, the American Heart Association changed the daily sodium recommendations from 2300 mg a day to 1500 mg per day and they did so for good reason. Excess sodium intake is one of the most common causes of high blood pressure as well as extra water retention. By monitoring sodium intake and reducing the amount of consumption, it will not only decrease your risk for high blood pressure, but you can also help beat the bloat and feel great for summer.
Where is the sodium? Processed foods and beverages as well as restaurant foods contribute to about 75% of where sodium comes from. The best way to reduce sodium intake is to limit the intake of packaged foods and be more assertive when reading nutrition labels. Some of the most popular diet foods such as salad dressings, frozen meals, soups, and low fat sandwich meats are very high in added sodium. To reduce your sodium intake, buy fresh or frozen produce over canned foods. Skip the salt shaker at the dinner table and enhance the flavor of your food with natural herbs and spices. Limit the intake of processed meats and cheeses. Finally, prepare more meals from scratch and increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.
5. Eat more vegetables. Load up on these low calorie, high fiber, antioxidant filled power foods. Increasing your intake of vegetables will do so much more than just add a low calorie meal or snack, they will also help to balance your internal system. Vegetables have a natural component that helps flush out excess sodium and water retention, as well as helping to fill you up and reduce cravings for high sugar, high fat foods.
Here is a list of vegetables to be eaten and enjoyed not only for your summer slim down plan but are also the key for a long and healthy life: artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, bean sprouts, green onions, watercress, okra, radishes, water chestnuts, green beans (green, wax, Italian), Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, cucumber, lettuce (or other salad greens), onions, tomato, spinach, summer squash, Swiss chard, sauerkraut, pea pods, parsnips, leeks, mushrooms, zucchini.
6. Watch your fat intake. Believe it or not, when it comes to your slim down plan consuming enough of the right fat is key, however not all fats are created equal. Consuming unsaturated fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds, plant-based oils, and fatty fish will help keep you satiated (another word for full) as well as provide essential nutrients. Be sure to include a little healthy fat at each meal and snack.
Eliminate trans fat, which can be found in hydrogenated vegetable oil, partially hydrogenated oil, vegetable shortening, and margarines. The simplest way to eliminate trans fat from your diet is to read labels and skip the fried food. Also limit your saturated fat intake to 10% of your total calorie intake. For example if you are consuming an 1800 calorie diet, then limit your saturated fat intake to no more than 20 grams per day. Saturated fat will be found in animal products such as meat, cheese, half and half, and coconut oil.
Following these simple 6 steps will help ensure you are feeling fit and fabulous this summer! To receive a customized meal plan to help implement these steps into your daily life contact me today.
3 Steps to SHAPE UP:
Any summer slim down plan will not only include a good nutrition plan but also a fitness regime. To maximize your workouts follow these 3 simple steps:
1. Be consistent. Find the time of day that works for YOU and make your workout plan a priority! Schedule your workout in your day planner, with a friend, or for extra accountability and motivation with a trainer. Often times the hardest part of any workout routine is the simple act of just showing up. Show up, do the work and you will get results!
2. Participate in interval training. Interval training is one of the best ways to maximize your time for maximum results. Interval training includes short bouts of high intensity exercise followed by low intensity exercise. Alternating weights or strength bearing activities with cardiovascular exercise is an excellent way to get a total body workout!
3. Push yourself. Whatever time you do have to devote to exercise make it count. Challenge yourself and push to your maximum potential (without causing injury or participating in dangerous activities). You can get an excellent total body workout in less than 30 minutes if you challenge yourself and maximize your efforts. When we push ourselves our body will respond with the positive changes you are working so hard to achieve!
Maximize Your Results:
1. Create a vision board or book. Set your goals and look at them every day to remind yourself what you are working on.
2. Eliminate negative thinking and remove yourself from negative situations. Negative energy will not move you towards creating and transforming yourself into your best self, therefore where there is negativity find a way to remove yourself or mentally block it out.
3. PLAN, PLAN, PLAN. Make yourself and your goals a priority. To do so you need to plan your daily and weekly action steps.
4. Keep a journal. A journal is an excellent way to record your progress as well as keep note of the obstacles that come along. Keeping a food journal is still one of the most powerful weight loss tools you can invest in. For maximum results it is recommended you keep a food journal along with an exercise log and personal feeling section. This will help you keep track of what is working and what is not working. As you progress on your journey you can reflect on your progress!
5. Stay positive and surround yourself with people who will support and encourage you to reach your goals. We all need help at certain times in our life, and knowing when and where to reach out for education, support, and accountability will help create your best self!
Quote of the Month:
“By changing nothing, nothing changes” -Tony Robbins
News and Events:
Bonnie is pleased to announce the launch of her new website Visit today for information on new programs being offered and check in often to view weekly blog posts on hot nutrition topics and new recipes that will be posted.
Daily Inspiration!
Let BRG Dietetics & Nutrition, P.C. get your day off to a great start. Go to our Facebook page to receive daily inspirational quotes and/or quick tips Monday through Friday to help you be the best you can be! Be sure to LIKE this page so you don’t miss out!
Newest Blog Post:
Celebrating Sassy Salads!
Happy National Salad Month
Salads have gotten a bad reputation as being a notorious diet food. You think about a bowl full of iceberg lettuce and a couple of tomatoes thrown in and you would be right to picture salads as the enemy. But this month we celebrate salad, and look at the ways it can be satisfying as well as healthy.
Think of salads as a blank canvas. There are no limitations when it comes to flavor combinations and ingredients to include. First, you want to start out with your base. People tend to gravitate towards old classics like iceberg and romaine lettuce, but in terms of leafy greens, there are some better salad bases out there. For example, try kale, arugula, or Swiss chard or get creative and use shredded carrots or even chopped vegetables instead of a green salad base.
Click here to read the rest of the blog post on creative ways to spice up your salad!
What are some ways you have sassed up your salad lately? Share them on our blog! Click here to leave your comment.
Foodie Fact: Strawberries, A Berry Fantastic Treat!
May is National Strawberry Month! Believe it or not, strawberries are actually a member of the rose family. This may help explain why worldwide this is such a popular fruit. Not only are strawberries an excellent way to feed the sweet tooth, but they also are extremely nutrient dense. One cup of strawberries contains more vitamin C than an orange, has 20% of your daily folic acid needs, contains 4 grams of fiber, and 270 mg of potassium. According to the UC Berkley Wellness Encyclopedia of Food and Nutrition, “Strawberries contain several classes of phytochemicals, including flavonoids, anthocyanin, ellagic acid, and other penolic acids, that may have anti-inflammatory properties and/or reduce the risk of developing several forms of cancer.” The latest research also shows that the nutrients in strawberries may also help to maintain a healthy heart. So in honor of National Strawberry Month, en joy the delicious Mixed Greens with Citrus Berry Salad recipe included in this newsletter.
Mixed Greens Citrus Berry Salad
5 cups mixed greens
½ cup blueberries
½ cup strawberries, quartered
1 medium orange, peeled and cut
1/8 cup walnuts, chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil
¼ cup apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons granulated light brown sugar
1. In a large bowl, mix together greens, blueberries, strawberries, oranges and walnuts.
2. Pour olive oil, apple cider vinegar and brown sugar into a jar. Shake well.
3. Pour dressing over salad and toss. Chill in refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
Serving Size: 1 cup
Nutrition Facts:
Calories: 100
Total Fat: 6 gm
Saturated Fat: 0.5 gm
Monounsaturated Fat: 3.5 gm
Polyunsaturated Fat: 1.5 gm
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Protein: 1 gm
Carbohydrate: 11 gm
Dietary Fiber: 2 gm
Sodium: 8 mg

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