Pack Your Pantry with Pasta this October for National Pasta Month!
Did you know the average American consumes over 20 pounds of pasta a year? That’s a lot of pasta! What’s great about pasta is that not only is it inexpensive, but it can be part of a well-balanced meal. October is National Pasta Month and the perfect time for pasta lovers to gather around the dinner table with a big pot of sauce and ziti.
From classic dishes like spaghetti and meatballs to macaroni salad, pasta is a staple food in many households. Any type of pasta can be used to create some very delicious meals. Diet culture may have led you to believe “carbs are bad” therefore pasta is bad. However, I’m here to tell you pasta is a big part of many healthy eating styles. Pasta can provide fiber, whole grains, vitamins, and minerals, which are all a part of any nutritious plan.
Pick Your Pasta
While pasta comes in many forms, choosing pastas made with whole wheat or whole grain flours can help increase your nutrient intake. Check out some of the many pasta options below!
- Whole Grain Pasta- Whole grain pasta is you guessed it, made from whole grains! Unlike enriched pasta, whole grain pasta contains all the parts of the grain and is a major source of fiber. It can be made from any grain, not just wheat, such as barley or buckwheat. Fiber can help to aid in digestion and promote gut health. In addition, whole-grain pasta contains important minerals such as magnesium, as well as antioxidants, helping to ward off harmful radicals within your body. Whole grains are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
- Whole Wheat Pasta- Whole wheat pasta is a great option when you are looking for a sturdy pasta option for a dish that has a lot of other ingredients. Whole wheat pasta is a type of whole grain pasta. It tends to be dense and rich in flavor. Much like whole grain pasta, whole wheat pasta contains important nutrients including fiber, B vitamins, and antioxidants.
- Gluten-free Pasta- If you are gluten intolerant or have celiac disease, gluten-free pasta is a great option for you. Gluten-free pasta doesn’t necessarily mean a “healthier” pasta however, many gluten-free options are made from whole grains such as brown rice, barley, farro, bulgur, or legumes such as chickpeas. Gluten-free pasta can be slightly chewy with a taste that varies based on what it is made of.
- Rice Pasta- Rice pasta, also known as rice noodles, is used in many Asian dishes. Rice pasta is another great option for those who have a gluten allergy.
Perfect Your Pasta
There are a ton of options when it comes to cooking pasta. What makes pasta so great is that it is a great vehicle for other foods! Making your ultimate pasta dish should be fun and delicious. Check out some of these tips to perfect your next bowl of pasta:
- Choose your Pasta- Now that you know all the various pasta options, you may be wondering what to choose. While enriched white flour pasta is always an option, whole grains will provide even more nutrients to your pasta dish. Opt for a pasta higher in whole grain such as brown rice or lentil pasta which will provide more flavor and more pizazz.
- All About the Sauce- Making pasta sauce at home can be a fantastic idea, however, when you are trying to save on time, a canned sauce is the next best option. When choosing a pasta sauce, always read the label and look for options without any added sugars or none at all. Try to also choose those lower in saturated fats and sodium.
- Pick Your Protein- Pasta makes a great base for other ingredients. Not all pasta dishes need protein, but it can be a great addition to make your dish more delicious and keep you feeling fuller longer. Choose a lean protein option such as chicken or fish. In addition, plant-based protein options are also a great idea, try out edamame or chickpeas.
- Don’t forget the Toppings- What is a classic pasta dish without some cheese? A popular go-to pasta topping is often some Parmesan cheese. Parmesan cheese can be a great topping to your pasta dish; however, it may be time to get creative! Try topping your next pasta dish with sliced almonds, or walnuts, or even pumpkin seeds. These toppings will add some crunch and some healthy fats to your dish.
With pasta being so versatile, it’s no wonder why it’s one of America’s favorite foods. Don’t forget to get creative and utilize all your pasta options to make a healthy and delicious pasta dish!
Your Turn to Action: What is your favorite pasta recipe? Let me know in the comments below!

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