Do you find yourself feeling sluggish at times, or perhaps your thinking just feels clouded? If this sounds all too familiar, did you know that there are several things you can do each day to combat these feelings? It’s no news that what you eat impacts how you feel, which is why it’s so…
Stay Energized with Pasta
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that July 7th was National Macaroni Day? In recent years macaroni, as well as pasta in general, has gotten a bad rap. The “low carb” craze has many people cutting back on their intake of this tasty wheat product, but is this really necessary? No, it’s not! Why? Because pasta…
Have your Sandwich and Eat it too
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Now that Halloween’s over, we can celebrate the real holiday here, National Sandwich Day! It’s only fitting that America’s favorite lunch item has its own special day. Personally, I love sandwiches; you can put anything you want on them – they’re great on the go, and they’re very versatile. They’re the perfect lunch for a…
Are you on “Alert” for Type 2 Diabetes?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Between 1980 and 2011 the number of newly diagnosed cases of diabetes among people ages 18-79 has more than tripled. With the incidence of diabetes on the rise, the American Diabetes Association promotes Diabetes Alert Day®, a nationwide one day “wake-up call” to urge the public to find out if they are at risk for…

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