May 6th is International No Diet Day! It’s a celebration of body positivity, body diversity, and the freedom of food. Use this as an opportunity to break free from diet culture. From talk shows to tabloid magazines, diet fads surround us every which way we turn. One diet says to eat all of the…
3 Big Reasons to Say No to Dieting on International No Diet Day
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Time to Say No to Diets
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
As a dietitian, I am often asked, “What is the best diet for weight loss?” And my answer is always, “NO DIET”. Thankfully, there are plenty of other people, including registered dietitians, that agree with me! Today, May 6th is International No Diet Day! Come celebrate with me! If you’re a regular reader of…
5 Ways to Spot a Fad Diet
/2 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Many people are lured into trying various weight loss diets and products, only to soon realize that they don’t work! Some of these diets are a bit extreme and lack energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals, which are essential for your body to function properly. These diets provide rules about what you can or cannot eat….
Break Free from Diets on No Diet Day
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Have you skipped a meal because a “diet” told you to? Have you replaced meals with shakes or avoided entire food groups? Do you restrict your favorite foods or force yourself to eat foods you do not like because your “diet” says you should? We all fall prey to the many fad diets out…
An Egg-stravaganza
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
The weather has finally changed and it’ definitely feeling like winter outside. I don’t know about you but my favorite way to start a cold, winter day is with a nice warm breakfast. There are plenty of options for a hot meal on a winter morning but there is no better way to start the…
Say Sayonara to the Idea of a “Perfect Bikini Body”
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
It seems like we don’t have any “in-between” weather anymore. You know the kind of weather I mean. The days of cool breeze where you wear a light “spring jacket” or sweatshirt as you run your errands. Nope, we’ve gone from the cold of winter to the hot humidity of summer, even though it’s not…
The 3 Biggest Mistakes that Keep You Yo-Yo Dieting
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Are you tired of jumping from diet to diet without seeing the weight loss you are hoping for? Do you find yourself frustrated and wondering any of the following… “It is so hard to stick to my diet. I always feel deprived of my favorite foods and end up giving in to them”…
Why Meal Plans Work Against You…
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller
“I am struggling to lose weight. I have been fighting this battle for years. I have been on every diet imaginable. So why am I right back to where I started?” These are the words of many who walk into my office for the first time. I see the pain in their eyes. I…
Top 5 Dieting Mistakes are NOT the Real Reason You Can’t Lose Weight
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Every morning I check my email before I start seeing clients. And, without fail, there are at least 2, if not more, emails promoting some “diet miracle”. Here are some recent examples: – Rachael’s Guarantee – Down 2 Sizes by Valentine’s Day. Free Trial. – Oprah’s Quick, Easy Way to Get Thinner in…
Are You a Yo-Yo Dieter? Find out now!
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
It’s the same story with every diet you start: “this time it’s going to work, this time I’m going to be stronger, this time I’m going to stay committed”. However, the unfortunate truth of dieting is that it will never help you achieve your long term weight loss goals. In fact, statistics show that 46%…
The 3 Pieces of the Chronic Dieting Puzzle, Why it Doesn’t Work and the Puzzle that Does
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Obedience, willpower, and failure are three connecting pieces to a chronic dieters puzzle. Once you have one set in stone, the other two follow. I call this a “puzzle” because as a chronic dieter you believe that you need all three pieces to feel good about yourself and to get to a satisfying weight. …

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