January is National Fiber Focus Month. What better way to start the New Year than to learn about the benefits of fiber and how you can eat more fiber! Fiber is a form of carbohydrate, also known as roughage or bulk. It comes from starch from plant and your body cannot break it down…
Stay Warm with a Bowl of Soup
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Soup makes the perfect meal during the cold, winter months because of the warm and comforting feeling it provides. One of the greatest things about soup is it’s a quick and easy meal that is full of healthy ingredients such as vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and lean proteins. Nowadays, it is easy to pick…
Oat-tastic Muffins for Breakfast
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Today, muffins come in many different varieties. There are blueberry, chocolate chip, bran, corn and of course, oatmeal muffins. Over the years, muffins have received a bad rap for their high sugar content and low nutritional value. But they’re not all that way! Fresh baked oatmeal muffins are actually a great way to start…
December Monthly Morsels
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Buckwheat By Charna Sheinfeld, Nutrition Intern Contrary to popular belief, buckwheat is not only unrelated to wheat, it is not even part of the grain family. Buckwheat is considered a fruit seed, making it an ideal substitute grain for those with wheat or gluten sensitivities. Buckwheat is produced widely in Russia and Poland, and…
Buckwheat with Warm Spices, Steamed Broccoli, and Tomatoes
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller
This is a simple dish that’s a great alternative to rice. The powerful anti-inflammatory turmeric spice is great especially in the winter to help you fight against the ailments that come your way.
Are You the Cookie Monster?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
No matter how old you are, everyone loves a good cookie. Cookies are warm and soft and always sweet. Well, luckily Sunday is National Cookie Day! Celebrate the holidays and National Cookie Day by sharing a cookie with friends, coworkers and your loved ones. Kooky History Cookies were created by accident. To test…
Warm Split Pea Soup
/3 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Each year, the second week of November is designated as National Split Pea Soup Week – and for good reason! Split pea soup is a savory and wholesome dish that is perfect for the changing of seasons. There are many varieties of split pea soup but the most common ingredients are split peas, broth, onions…
October Monthly Morsels
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
An Apple a Day May Really Keep the Doctor Away! By Charna Sheinfeld, Nutrition Intern Most of us take them for granted, but there is really nothing more satisfying than biting into the crispy sweetness of an apple. With the month of October upon us, what better way to celebrate the month of apples,…
All About Acorn Squash
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Fall is just around the corner and with a new season comes new veggies you can celebrate. Luckily, Wednesday is National Acorn Squash Day, and I’d like to use today to focus on this underrated vegetable. Do you know where the acorn squash got its name? That’s right, it’s named after the acorn! When…
Eat a Peach Day
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Today is National Eat a Peach Day and who doesn’t love a juicy, delicious peach? I happen to love them! They make the perfect on-the-go healthy snack that keeps you full in between meals. Did you know that there are many varieties of peaches? You may think of a peach with an orange interior…
National Sandwich Month
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Sandwiches are the classic lunch time food but they often get a bad rap because of the myth that bread is bad. However, when a sandwich is made right it can be the perfect complete meal containing each main food group all packed together in a yummy portable way. Since August is National Sandwich Month,…
Oat-tastic Breakfast
/2 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Oatmeal is an old traditional breakfast food that’s popularity has grown once again over the last few years. This hot cereal is a great alternative to sugary breakfast cereals and makes for a power-infused, high-energy breakfast that is perfect for starting your day. Oats are a whole-grain that provides you with many vitamins and…
Spill the Beans on Baked Beans
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
July is National Baked Beans Month and for good reason. Baked beans are a favorite during the cold months but they’re also the perfect side dish for your summer barbecues. Baked beans are most commonly made with navy, pinto or kidney beans, and they come in a range of flavors. Many commercial brands now…
Have an Oat-tastic Day
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Even though oatmeal has been around forever, it seems like people are finally sparking interest over this old breakfast. Overnight oats, steel cut oats, oatmeal granola bars, and oatmeal energy bites- the options are boundless! So why this sudden revival in one of America’s oldest breakfasts? People are rediscovering all of the wonderful benefits of…
I’m Mad for Mandarins
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Mandarins, tangerines, satsumas- did you know all of these names are referring to the same citrus fruit many of us have come to know and love? Did you also know that this is the perfect time of year to buy these delicious little orange fruits? Tangerines are often preferred over the orange because they…
National School Lunch Week 2015
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Who knew school lunch had its own week? Well it does. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy created National School Lunch Week in order to celebrate the school lunch program in America. So why do we need a week to celebrate school lunch? Take a moment to think back to your days in elementary…
Popcorn Poppin’ Month
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
October is more than just a month to celebrate spooks and sweets. It’s also a month to celebrate treats that are good for you like popcorn! It’s National Popcorn Popping Month which means it’s time to give a little patronage to this healthy snack. Did you know that fresh popcorn, lightly seasoned can be a…
Changing Leaves, Warm Boots, and Apples Galore
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Happy October everyone! October is one my favorite months- cooler weather, changing leaves, autumn clothing, and apple picking! As I was speaking with my interns about how I love this time of year, Kimberly shared how her favorite family tradition is their annual trip out east to go apple picking. Her family always make it…
Healthy and Hearty Mushroom Barley Soup
/2 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
As the fall slowly approaches, it’s time to start thinking about preparing soups for the cooler nights. This soup freezes really well, so feel free to double the recipe and freeze in smaller batches.
Life’s A Peach
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
I bet you’ve all been wondering what the food of the month is for August. I’ll give you a hint- it’s round, orange-pink, and has some fuzz. If you guessed peach, then you’re right! Peachy Keen I happen to love peaches! I would definitely place them among my top 3 favorite fruits. One…

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