With the end of the year fast approaching, what better time to reflect on the many changes, events and trends that have come about in 2011. This year has been quite a busy year in the nutrition world. I have highlighted below what I believe to be some of the major standouts. Take a look…
Highlights of 2011-What Changes Have You Made?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDE
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Celebrate Food Day
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDEToday is Food Day, created by the Center for Science in the Public Interest. The purpose of Food Day is to recognize the importance of healthy, affordable foods produced in a humanitarian way. There is no doubt that fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains are delicious. However, throughout the years our American food system has…

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