Did you know that National Peanut Butter Day is celebrated on January 24? This makes now the perfect time to try a new recipe with peanut butter or even revisit an old one! Peanut butter is one of those classic foods that you probably remember eating fondly in your elementary school years. This food can…
5 Health Benefits of Granola (and 4 Recipes!)
/3 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that granola is packed with vitamins and minerals? Not only is granola a delicious snack, it comes with many health benefits. Grab your favorite variety of granola to celebrate National Granola Day on January 21st! For years granola has been a popular snack to bring along on a hike. But now…
4 Ways Get Poppin’ for National Popcorn Day
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know a single kernel of popcorn can swell up to 50 times its original size? Grab a bowl of this crunchy snack on January 19th in celebration of National Popcorn Day. Whether at the movies, carnival, or just a snack for a night in, popcorn is a popular choice. While you can…
Keep Your Belly Warm Throughout National Soup Month
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Now that it’s January, we’re getting into the frostier months of the year. When it’s cold and snowing outside, I always find myself craving food that will warm and comfort me inside. My go-to meal is none other than soup! January is National Soup Month, which is fitting given the winter season. There are…
3 Tips to a Mindful Holiday Season
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Late December is the time of year often filled with holiday cheer and joy. It’s a time for gathering with loved ones over food, sharing stories and time together. Perhaps you enjoy some traditional family favorite foods or attend office holiday parties. Regardless of what, when, or with whom you celebrate the season, food…
Nourishment from Food vs Vitamin Supplementation
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Since the 1970s vitamin supplementation has gone through various surges of popularity. In today’s world, you cannot log onto instagram or listen to a podcast without seeing an advertisement for customized vitamins. While history has taught us that megadoses of vitamins can be dangerous, the science on whether minimal doses had health protective qualities was…
6 Food Safety Tips to Start Right Now
/2 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
In the hustle and bustle of life, you may forget to pay attention to food safety when food shopping and cooking. Taking shortcuts when it comes to handling food can lead to harmful food borne illnesses. Food safety refers to the handling, preparation, and storage of food in safe ways that prevent food-borne illnesses. …
Macadamia Nut-tritious
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that it takes 7 years after a macadamia tree is planted for it to produce fruit (the nut)? But, once they begin producing fruit, they remain productive for 100 years!! You may know little about macadamia nuts, but they are actually one of the most sought-after nuts in the world. Along…
AsparaGuess What Month It Is?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
The month of May is National Asparagus Month! Although this may not be your favorite vegetable because of its slightly bitter and unique flavor, asparagus had been a cornerstone of many diets for thousands of years. Asparagus is a member of the lily family. There are approximately 300 species of asparagus, but only 20…
Let’s Get Planting in Honor of Earth Day
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Earth Day 2016 is here! Today, April 22nd, is Earth Day and this year’s theme is “Trees for the Earth.” So what does that mean? The Earth Day Network has set a goal of planting 7.8 billion trees over the next five years! I know that sounds like an unimaginable amount but we have…
Try Soy during April for National Soyfoods Month!
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller
Soy has gained popularity over the years, mostly as being a healthy alternative for animal protein. Vegetarians and vegans will consume soy in their diets in place of animal protein and other animal products. However, you do not have to be a vegetarian or vegan to enjoy soy! Despite soy’s popularity, many people…
Upgrade Your Easter Basket and Meal
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Some claim that the word Easter is derived from Eostre, a pagan goddess of spring and fertility. So how did chocolate, dyed eggs and giant bunnies become such a large part of the celebration? Over the centuries various folk tales and pagan traditions sparked Easter eggs, bunnies, baskets and a slew of candy as tradition…
I’m Nuts for Peanuts
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Peanuts are one of America’s favorite snacks. You probably can picture yourself at a baseball game, digging your hand into a bag of nuts, cracking the shell and enjoying the sweet, salty taste of peanuts. March is National Peanut Month That’s right a whole month dedicated to the perfect little peanut! National Peanut Week…
March Monthly Morsels
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
The Superfood, Spinach It seems that your mother may have been on to something when she told you to “eat your spinach” for dinner! Spinach is bursting with healthful properties including being an excellent source of a slew of vitamins and minerals. This delicate green is high in antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamin K, vitamin A, iron,…
How to Stay Healthy During Super Bowl Weekend
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
It’s only February and already another food frenzied “holiday” is just around the corner. This weekend is Super Bowl Sunday and whether you’re rooting for the Denver Broncos or the Carolina Panthers, you know that there will be a slew of not-so-healthy foods and snacks galore. Super Bowl Sunday is synonymous with plenty of…
Spaghetti the Healthy Way
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
I hope you all have been having a wonderful New Year so far! To start your New Year on the right foot, start by celebrating National Spaghetti Day the healthier way. Most people make the same resolution every year- to change their diet and to exercise more. The thing is that most do not end…
That’s a Wrap
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
As our beloved 2015 comes to an end, we have time to reflect on the many changes and nuances that have developed over the last twelve months. One thing that has notably taken off is food terminology. Trendy food terms have become so ubiquitous in our society that some words have even been granted their…
A Healthy Hamburger
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
In the midst of this warm winter, I have been having a real hankering for a hamburger. Hamburgers are just about as American as it gets and always remind me of those warm and sunny summer days by the grill. Seeing as the weather lately has been quite reminiscent of those summer days, I thought…
Split Peas If You Please
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Split pea soup is a savory and wholesome dish that’s just perfect for the cool weather. This week is National Split Pea Soup Week and also a wonderful time to introduce this healthy, hearty dish into your life. There are many variations of this soup but it traditionally consists of split peas, chicken or…
How Illness Affects Your Hunger Signals
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
I’m writing this blog today with a cup of tea to my left, a box of tissues to my right and a throat lozenge in my mouth. Yes, I am sick. My throat hurts, I am coughing and overall I just don’t feel well. I don’t usually get sick so this is really…

The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or the care of a physician. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. If you suspect you have a health problem, please contact your health care provider.