Raisins are often referred to as “nature’s candy” because of their inherent sweetness that comes from the crystallization of sugars during drying. Raisins have been enjoyed for thousands of years by many different cultures. Throwback a handful of these sweet treats and give them extra praise because today, April 30th is National Raisin Day! …
Grab a Box of Raisins for National Raisin Day (and 3 Recipe Ideas)
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that raisins are just dehydrated grapes that people have been eating for thousands of years? Humans have been indulging their sweet tooth with raisins since BCE! On April 30th crack open up a box of these sweet dried grapes for National Raisin Day! While they are commonly referred to as “nature’s…
Today is National Raisin Day!
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Monday April 30th is National Raisin Day. When you think of raisins, I’m sure it brings you back to your childhood when you would have them as a snack at school. However, raisins aren’t just a snack for kids – people of all ages can enjoy them in either sweet or savory recipes. The raisin…
Celebrating Raisins
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that raisins were discovered by accident? As early as 2000 BC, grapes were found withered on their vine from the heat. Since they didn’t want to waste food, they tried them and they quickly became a part of the diet of Mediterranean countries. Raisin’s popularity then spread to the rest of Europe…
Frozen Greek Yogurt Grape Pops
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
These pops are enjoyed by kids and adults alike. They are the “easier version” of frozen yogurt pops, but just as tasty, if not more! Prepare different kinds of healthy toppings that your kids might like, and let them enjoy customizing their own pops.
Fruits: The Good and the Better
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
We all know that fruit is good for you; but are some better than others? Are fruit juices viable substitutions? Which fruits should you be eating everyday? Recent studies have shown that eating a greater variety of fruits may be more beneficial to oneself than eating a greater quantity. A research study* found that…
Top Ten Cholesterol-Lowering Foods
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerApples: Apple pectin is a soluble fiber that helps remove the cholesterol from your body! Apples contain flavanoids which act as powerful anti-oxidants that seem to halt the “bad” cholesterol from accumulating in your bloodstream. Avocado: Avocados are a great source of monounsaturated fats, a type of fat that may help to raise the “good”…

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