Did you know that almonds are actually grown on an orchard and are encased in a fruit-like shell? They are also a part of the rose family, making them close relatives to peaches and apricots! Here’s another fun fact: there are eight different species of almonds, but they all have the same exact nutritional value!…
A Nut that Doesn’t Disappoint
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Snacking, whether you’re trying to cut back on it or come up with healthier alternatives, is one of the greatest challenges people face when attempting to get healthier and lose weight. Well, today is a nationally recognized food day to celebrate one of my favorite snack foods: almonds! Almonds are known to be one of…
I’m Nuts for Pistachios
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDEDid you know today, February 26th is National Pistachio Day? What a great day to enjoy these delicious little nuts that also happen to be a nutritious treat. Check out some of their health benefits below and crack open some pistachios the next chance you get! Pistachios and unsaturated fat: The majority of the fat…

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