You’re staring at your plate that now has just a few more bites of your dinner food left. You’ve really enjoyed your meal, but if you are being honest with yourself, you are satisfied and probably don’t need to eat any more. As you contemplate what to do, you glance around the table. Everyone…
I Have Nothing to Wear!
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
You are standing in front of your closet and have no idea what to put on to wear today. You think “nothing will look good on me”. You reluctantly take out a pair of pants and a shirt and put it on. You look in the mirror and immediately rip these clothes right off your…
Red, Yellow, Blue, White…Does it Matter?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
So, you are probably wondering what I am talking about. Why am I listing a bunch of colors in the title of this blog? Well, studies show that the color of your plate has a lot to do with how much you eat or don’t eat. I discuss this on this week’s episode…
5 Easy Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
The holiday season is here and if you are concerned that you will gain weight like in past years, let me assure you that it doesn’t have to be that way. Holiday weight gain often comes from mindless eating such as eating fast without even tasting the food, munching mindlessly on hor d’oeuvres before dinner…
Introducing The Diet-Free Zone Show™
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
I’ve been writing about intuitive eating for some time now. So I thought I’d try something new to help get my message out to more people. I’ve decided to create my very own show on YouTube. Yep, I did. So, yesterday my assistant and I buckled down and taped 6 episodes of…
Does Your Home Environment Trigger Mindless Eating?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Mindful eating is a crucial step on your path to becoming an intuitive eater. Mindful eating involves developing a special kind of awareness that you bring to the table when you eat. Mindful eating is less about what you eat and more about the way you eat. When you eat mindfully, you become aware…
The Answer to End Your Weight Struggles is Here
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Last night was really a landmark night for me and I want to share it with you. I knew how excited I was to share with the world How to Break Free from the Pain of Dieting and Get the Body You Love Without Feeling Deprived. But I had no idea how many of…
Do You Possess The Dieter’s Dilemma?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
I know how much you want to lose weight. You have tried for many years. You’ve been successful in that you lost weight on whatever diet you were on at that moment, assuming you were “good”. But then, the inevitable happens. You crave foods that you love that you have restricted for so long. You…
“But I Don’t Want the Banana to Go to Waste!”
/2 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
How many times have you eaten something because if you didn’t, it would likely spoil and go in the garbage? For a lot of mindless eaters, they eat in order not to waste food, not because they are hungry. Several factors can fuel this desire to waste-not. Maybe it’s a cost factor. After all,…
Being Mindful With Godiva Chocolate
/2 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
One of the beautiful things about being an intuitive eater is being able to eat what I love! I don’t have to worry anymore about whether eating a particular food will cause me to gain weight or not. One of the doubts I often hear from my clients is whether or not they will…
How to Manage Your Emotions without Turning to Food
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
One of the things that come up often in my work with my clients is how they deal with emotional eating. We all experience different emotions throughout a given day. For some, there might be more than others. Such emotions include anxiety, loneliness and sadness. Other more subtle emotions that often might lead you to…
Food Deprivation Leading to Rebound Eating
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Overindulging in a food item that you restrict is common if you are a chronic dieter. This is called deprivation backlash-rebound eating. Here’s a common scenario: you deprive yourself of a certain food, such as your beloved chocolate because you are on a diet and you are not allowed to have chocolate, right? Well…
Did I Eat It?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
I constantly find myself thinking where did the time go? Or, I have so much to do, there just are not enough hours in the day! I am sure you can relate. Society has put so much emphasis on rushing around and getting as much as we possibly can get done in 24 hours. It…
Healthy Eats for March Madness!
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Every spring, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) features a single elimination basketball tournament to determine the national championship of the major college basketball teams commonly known as March Madness. This is a fun time for all you sports fans as you focus on creating your perfect bracket and gathering with friends to watch your…
My Experience with Comfortable Satiety
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
When working with my clients, it is often hard for them to identify what comfortable satiety feels like. This is truly understandable. If you have been eating mindlessly and/or cleaning the plate without consideration if you’ve even had enough (“how can I leave food over, I’m entitled to eat this amount on my diet?”), then…
We’re All Human
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
This week’s blog post will be a bit different. I am sharing with you a story told to me by a very close friend who happens to also assist me in my office. For anonymity, I will call her Mary. Mary was instrumental in helping me launch my iEat Mindfully™ Intuitive Eating Program. At the…
Are You Minding Your Portions?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerHave you heard of the concept of portion distortion? Research strongly suggests that increasing rates of overweight and obesity are in direct correlation with the increased portion sizes we have experienced since the early 1980s. Individuals are frequently unaware of how much food they actually consume in a single sitting. This lack of awareness…
Am I Always So Bubbly and Happy?
/2 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerAs I sat down today to write my post for the iEat Mindfully™ blog, I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to write about. But then it came to me. Earlier today, I was told for about the 10th time this week, how bubbly and happy I am. “Am I always like that, my…
Eating for Wellness, Not Weight Loss
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerWhen you are a child, there are so many exciting things to experience every day, and meals and snacks are just a part of the routine. Life is not driven by your meals and snacks and whether or not you will eat the “right” or “wrong” food. There is pleasure in the friends you are…
iEat Mindfully™ Program Launch
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerWelcome to the online launch of iEat MindfullyTM! First, let me congratulate you for taking the first step to learning how to banish diets forever and move past yo-yo dieting! You will never have to go on another diet again! You will learn to reclaim what you were born with… and that is to be…

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