Did you know that Asia is not only a continent but also a type of pear? It is one of a thousand different varieties that pears come in! The month of December is dedicated to this petite, yet delicious fruit. In the United States, there are ten varieties of pears ranging in colors from…
Perfect the Holidays with Pears for National Pear Month
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
The Nutritional Wonders of Pears (plus 3 recipes!)
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that December is the month of the pear? Yes, that’s right, it’s National Pear Month! All December long, take the time to celebrate the flavor, versatility, and nutritional value of this PEARfect fruit! Pears come in all different colors, textures, and sweetness. Whether they are picked and enjoyed right from the…
Pick A Pear to Celebrate National Pear Month
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that December is National Pear Month? Bite into a perfect pear to celebrate this fruit. Pears, just like people, come in all different shapes and sizes. Some are enjoyed raw as a snack, some are perfect for baking in your favorite desserts, and others for cooking savory dishes. If you’re looking for…
7 Delicious Ways to Eat a Pear
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Happy National Pear Month! Did you know that there are over 3,000 varieties of pears grown around the world? Pear trees were first brought to the United States in the 1800s by colonists. It was found that the trees brought to Oregon and Washington were the ones that thrived and, therefore, those two states are…
Find Your Best Pear this December!
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
The winter months are coming and, unfortunately, so many of our fruit and vegetable staples are out of season. But, fear not! The humble and delicious Pear is in season basically all year round. December is National Pear Month, and is the perfect time to learn all about this delectable fruit! Pear Facts …
PrePEAR for National Pear Month
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Did you know that Pears rank second to the apple as the most popular fruit eaten in the United States? They are also one of the world’s oldest fruits; pears were known to both the Greeks and the Romans! We celebrate National Pear Month every December, to honor this amazing fruit. Some Pear…
Baked Pears with Toasted Almonds and Cranberries
/4 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
This is an extremely easy dessert to assemble. The crunchiness of the toasted almonds, chewiness of the dried cranberries, and the softness of the baked pear are a perfect marriage of textures and flavors. A cozy dish for the winter months.
December Monthly Morsels
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Share a Pear This December, celebrate more than just the holidays, celebrate National Pear Month! Pears are the apples cousin- slightly different but equally delicious. Juicy pears provide so many health benefits and “pear” well with so many different foods. There are roughly 3000 varieties of pears grown worldwide. They come in made different…
Poached Pears in Cranberry Juice
/2 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Pears are a great dessert fruit that can be cooked to bring out it’s natural flavors and aromas. The cinnamon, nutmeg and almond extract pair perfectly with the distinct sweet pear flavor. This recipe can be served as its own dessert or alongside pie or cake.
Winter 2007: To Your Health
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerIn this Issue: Good Digestion Throughout the Holiday Season Holiday Cheers! Raising the Glass to Practicing Smart Alcohol Consumption Boost Your Immune System the Natural Way Key Nutrients to Help You Heal This Winter Walk Your Way to Good Health Enjoying the Fruits of Winter Feature Food of the Month: Pear Healthy Recipe: Poached Pears…

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