In this issue: National Nutrition Month • Homemade Spicy Kale Chips • Hamentaschen…A Sweet Treat for Purim. March is National Nutrition Month and the theme this year is “Get Your Plate in Shape”. Read about 7 foods to take you out of your food comfort zone and into shaping up your plate! Avoid oversized portions by using smaller plates, bowls and glasses. Get ready for Purim with my mouth watering recipe for Hamentaschen with Apricot Filling, a lower-fat version you can enjoy without denying yourself.
Hamentaschen…A Sweet Treat for Purim
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDEPurim is almost here! The kids are getting excited to dress up in costume…King Ahasuerus, Esther, Mordecai, Haman, Barbie, a doctor, a cheerleader or baseball player. We read the story of Purim in Megillat Esther and celebrate with good food and wine. We send out gifts of food and/or drink (shalach manos) and we give…

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