The diet mentality has such a strong presence in our culture. Especially if you participate in social networking. Social media is an ideal medium for people to share their opinions and recommendations on what they believe is best for health and weight loss. Over the last two decades we have seen a surge in the…
The Trials of Technology and Intuitive Eating
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerDid you ever look around while you are walking somewhere and notice the people around you? Is it more common that they are on a smartphone, listening to music or interacting with some electronic device rather than conversing with one another and paying attention to their surroundings? I know for me the answer yes. …
Highlights of 2011-What Changes Have You Made?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RD, CDN, CDEWith the end of the year fast approaching, what better time to reflect on the many changes, events and trends that have come about in 2011. This year has been quite a busy year in the nutrition world. I have highlighted below what I believe to be some of the major standouts. Take a look…

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