Have you fallen prey to any of the many fad diets that are out there? Has that same diet caused you to restrict your favorite food or force yourself to eat foods you don’t like because you should? If so, I want you to know you are not alone. Unfortunately, fad dieting is very…
“Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Gifts Giveaway” Offers Hundreds of FREE Health and Wellness Related Products
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
I wanted to let you know today about a Health and Wellness event that will allow you to download 100’s of self-help gifts. And the best part is that it is absolutely FREE! If you’ve had enough of plodding along year after year and you want to improve yourself and your health to make…
Break Free from Diets on No Diet Day
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Have you skipped a meal because a “diet” told you to? Have you replaced meals with shakes or avoided entire food groups? Do you restrict your favorite foods or force yourself to eat foods you do not like because your “diet” says you should? We all fall prey to the many fad diets out…
Scrumptious Sweet Potatoes
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
November is Sweet Potato Awareness Month but I’m pretty sure we are all aware of sweet potatoes’ existence. These root vegetables are a staple at the Thanksgiving table! But Thanksgiving isn’t the only time you should be including this veggie in your life. Sweet potatoes are a great addition to a wholesome eating plan and…
Changing Leaves, Warm Boots, and Apples Galore
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Happy October everyone! October is one my favorite months- cooler weather, changing leaves, autumn clothing, and apple picking! As I was speaking with my interns about how I love this time of year, Kimberly shared how her favorite family tradition is their annual trip out east to go apple picking. Her family always make it…
When Dieting Fails- Intuitive Eating Prevails
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Last Thursday, HealthDayNews.com published an article on a study conducted in Britain about the sad truth facing obese adults. Reaching a normal weight is a common struggle for so many Americans; and though it may seem difficult for all of us, the odds of losing weight for an obese adult are far smaller. The…
There’s No “Throwing in the Towel” in Intuitive Eating
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
If you are a chronic dieter, then more than likely you have “thrown in the towel” quite a few times. A new diet comes to market. It’s exciting, this will be the one. You start the diet and things are going well. But then you had a bad day at work, you went on…
Eating Intuitively While at Summer Camp
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
I work with both adults and children in my private practice. Most of my posts are geared towards adults, but today’s post will be focused on kids. Obesity in kids is on the rise. This, I know, is not news to you. During the school year kids spend an awful lot of time in…
Say Sayonara to the Idea of a “Perfect Bikini Body”
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
It seems like we don’t have any “in-between” weather anymore. You know the kind of weather I mean. The days of cool breeze where you wear a light “spring jacket” or sweatshirt as you run your errands. Nope, we’ve gone from the cold of winter to the hot humidity of summer, even though it’s not…
Willpower is a Dieter’s Word
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
How many times have you used the word “willpower” when you’ve been on a diet? “I wish I had more willpower not to eat the cake”. “Why can’t I just have the willpower to say NO?” I am NOT going to eat the chocolate, no, no, no! I must have the willpower!” How has…
What’s Holding You Back from Saying YES to a Path of Intuitive Eating?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
I’ve just completed launching my program Freedom to Eat Forever and I’ve spoken and emailed with a lot of you. Many of you were ready to jump in and leave dieting behind for good. And some of you were hesitant. That’s fine, I respect that. You just weren’t ready. Yet, it’s important to explore the…
The 3 Biggest Mistakes that Keep You Yo-Yo Dieting
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Are you tired of jumping from diet to diet without seeing the weight loss you are hoping for? Do you find yourself frustrated and wondering any of the following… “It is so hard to stick to my diet. I always feel deprived of my favorite foods and end up giving in to them”…
Why Meal Plans Work Against You…
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller
“I am struggling to lose weight. I have been fighting this battle for years. I have been on every diet imaginable. So why am I right back to where I started?” These are the words of many who walk into my office for the first time. I see the pain in their eyes. I…
Top 5 Dieting Mistakes are NOT the Real Reason You Can’t Lose Weight
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Every morning I check my email before I start seeing clients. And, without fail, there are at least 2, if not more, emails promoting some “diet miracle”. Here are some recent examples: – Rachael’s Guarantee – Down 2 Sizes by Valentine’s Day. Free Trial. – Oprah’s Quick, Easy Way to Get Thinner in…
Are You a Yo-Yo Dieter? Find out now!
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
It’s the same story with every diet you start: “this time it’s going to work, this time I’m going to be stronger, this time I’m going to stay committed”. However, the unfortunate truth of dieting is that it will never help you achieve your long term weight loss goals. In fact, statistics show that 46%…
Focus on Health Not Weight During “Healthy Weight Week”
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
This week is the 22nd annual Healthy Weight Week. Every third week of January is dedicated to celebrating our individual bodies and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Both men and women struggle with managing a healthy weight due to an obsession with body weight and dieting in our society. If you have a history with dieting, it…
5 Tips to Help You Eat Less
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
If you’ve been working on losing weight by following diet plans, you are probably eating a certain amount of food that the diet tells you to eat. But the truth is, there are other strategies that you can use to help you eat less. Learn about those strategies on this week’s episode of The…
After the Party Detox Diets and Cleanses
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
It’s 7 days into the New Year and I’ve already received several emails from people asking me for a detox diet, cleansing system or quick fix method to jumpstart their weight loss for 2015. If you’ve been following me for a while and are in tuned with my philosophy, I don’t advocate any of…
Stepping Away from Dieting in 2015
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller
Year after year we make New Year’s resolutions to better ourselves in the coming year. Losing weight, eating healthier, and exercising more are among the top ten resolutions made each New Year’s Eve. The media buzzes about what diets to start in 2015, how to lose the weight, what you should and shouldn’t eat…
Say NO to Diets in 2015
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
We are in the midst of the holiday season and I hope you are enjoying your time with family and friends in a mindful way. The music, decorations, lights, foods…what a wonderful time of year. My daughter told me the other day how she loves that the T.V. shows she likes to watch have a…

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