I was flipping through the newspaper on Saturday and came across an ad with a big headline that read: “Lose 10-20-30 Pounds in A Month”. “Oh no” I thought to myself. Here we go again. The New Year is approaching and we are being bombarded with all the diet advertisements, commercials and self-titled “Health…
Is Weight Loss Necessary for You?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
It has been well established that obesity is related to a variety of chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Because of this, the national weight management guidelines advise that all obese individuals lose at least 5%-10% of their body weight in order to improve health outcomes. Though it…
5 Ways to Handle Food Pushers
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
You’ve probably experienced what I am about to talk about. There you are at a friend’s home for dinner. It’s dessert time and she brings out a homemade apple pie. You left room for dessert, but you truly don’t feel like having apple pie. You much prefer to have the fresh berries with a…
Will I Lose Weight with Intuitive Eating?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
I get this question a lot. People are interested in a way to break free from dieting. They no longer want the food restrictions and the feelings of deprivation. The calorie counting and calorie tracking with the many apps out on the market that are not always accurate. Intuitive eating is a new concept…
“Good” Foods and “Bad” Foods
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Do you have a list of foods that you consider as “good” or “bad” to eat? How do you feel if you eat a food on your “good” list? What about on your “bad” list? One of the first things I help my clients do is to get rid of the food lists. Foods…
The Fear of Letting Go of Dieting
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
As you embark on your intuitive eating journey, it’s most important to move away from dieting. Yet, the idea of not dieting might be scary for you, right? I talk about this very topic in this week’s The Diet Free Zone Show™ on YouTube. Click the image below to watch now. …
Introducing The Diet-Free Zone Show™
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
I’ve been writing about intuitive eating for some time now. So I thought I’d try something new to help get my message out to more people. I’ve decided to create my very own show on YouTube. Yep, I did. So, yesterday my assistant and I buckled down and taped 6 episodes of…
What Does it Feel Like to Eat Without “Food Worry”?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Fantastic, terrific, freeing, amazing….I could go on and on. If you recently attended my free webinar, or watched the replay, you heard my story, the highlight of which (in my opinion) is that for many years I was “on” a “healthy meal plan” (notice the quotation marks) that I created for myself and “followed”…
The Answer to End Your Weight Struggles is Here
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Last night was really a landmark night for me and I want to share it with you. I knew how excited I was to share with the world How to Break Free from the Pain of Dieting and Get the Body You Love Without Feeling Deprived. But I had no idea how many of…
Are You Married to the Scale?
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Life as a chronic dieter is plagued with ups and downs, weight loss and weight gain. You want to find that one diet that works better than the rest, which will finally give you what you want, a new body. Well, a diet is not going to get you there. As you may realize by…
Eat Better, Sleep Better, Feel Better
/1 Comment/by Bonnie R. Giller
Weight loss can result in several positive changes other than just losing weight. Such positive changes include increased energy, better self-image and self-esteem, improved health, and decreased risk of disease. Recent research has also found weight loss to improve mood and sleep in addition to the aforementioned positive changes. In other words, weight loss helps…
International NO Diet Day
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
Today is a very important day: International NO Diet Day! The purpose of this nationally recognized day is to raise awareness of the harmful effects unhealthy dieting can have as well as the importance of respecting and accepting body types. The goal is to teach people how to have a healthy relationship with food…
New Year, New Gimmick
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. Giller
It is a vicious cycle: manufacturers constantly promoting weight loss gimmicks to consumers who continually give into these products which, in turn only prevents them from living a healthy lifestyle and keeping the weight off for good. Well, now that we are entering into a new year, it seems as if researchers are trying…
Am I Always So Bubbly and Happy?
/2 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerAs I sat down today to write my post for the iEat Mindfully™ blog, I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to write about. But then it came to me. Earlier today, I was told for about the 10th time this week, how bubbly and happy I am. “Am I always like that, my…
“Comfort Foods” Making your Clothes Uncomfortable?
/2 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerThere is nothing wrong with foods being a source of pleasure. In fact, the more your relationship with food can be a positive one, the better you will feel about your eating habits. However, confusing a positive relationship with eating your favorite foods with the notion of seeking “comfort” from certain foods can lead to…
Here We Go Again-Another Fad Diet
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerJust a mere couple of months into 2013 and Americans have latched on to a new “magic bullet” called “The Fast Diet.” To summarize, the “Fast Diet” recommends limiting your calories on two, non-consecutive days during the week to 500 calories for women and 600 calories for men. The other five days you are free…
iEat Mindfully™ Program Launch
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerWelcome to the online launch of iEat MindfullyTM! First, let me congratulate you for taking the first step to learning how to banish diets forever and move past yo-yo dieting! You will never have to go on another diet again! You will learn to reclaim what you were born with… and that is to be…
Welcome to the iEat Mindfully™ Blog
/4 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerWelcome to the iEat Mindfully™ Blog! This blog will focus on topics related to incorporating intuitive and mindful eating into your life. Yo-yo dieters are those who cycle between weight loss and gain and jump from diet to diet, but can never seem to reach the success they want. They rely on following meal plans…
May 2012: To Your Health
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerIn this issue: 6 Step Slim Down Plan • 3 Steps to SHAPE UP • Maximize Your Results • Celebrating Sassy Salads! • Foodie Fact: Strawberries • Recipe of the Month: Mixed Greens Citrus Berry Salad • Quote of the Month
April 2012: To Your Health
/0 Comments/by Bonnie R. GillerIn this issue: Gluten Free Diet 101 • Gluten Free, Weight Loss, and Your Health • Quinoa. The feature article in this month’s newsletter called Gluten Free Diet: 101 will provide information about what a gluten free diet entails and who really needs to follow it. Find out the facts before jumping on the bandwagon of this trendy diet! While many of you probably know that quinoa is one of the highest protein containing grains, there are many people that have never heard of it. Try my Spiced Quinoa with Veggies for a fast and super-healthy dish!

The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or the care of a physician. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. If you suspect you have a health problem, please contact your health care provider.