The Nutritional Wonders of Pears (plus 3 recipes!)

Did you know that December is the month of the pear? Yes, that’s right, it’s National Pear Month! All December long, take the time to celebrate the flavor, versatility, and nutritional value of this PEARfect fruit!


Pears come in all different colors, textures, and sweetness. Whether they are picked and enjoyed right from the tree, made into a jelly, or preserve, or even baked into a warm pastry, pears add that perfect balance of simple and sweet. With more than 3,000 different varieties of pears to choose from, you will be sure to find one that satisfies your taste buds!


5 Nutritional Facts About Pears


No matter what kind of pear is for you, all pears pack a nutritional punch! These tasty fruits are filled with important nutrients and are a great addition to any diet.


Here are 5 nutritional facts about pears:


1. Filled with Fiber: Pears are one of the highest-fiber fruits, offering 6 grams of fiber per medium-sized fruit which equals about 24% of the recommended daily value for fiber; 25-30 grams of fiber per day is recommended.


2. Vitamins, vitamins, and more vitamins: Pears also contain large amounts of important vitamins. These include Vitamin C, K, B2, B3, B6, and folate. Without these vitamins, your body would not be able to carry out daily functions—making pears an excellent source of essential vitamins!


3. Maxed out with Minerals: As for the mineral department, pears do not fall short! Pears contain boron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese—just to name a few.


4. Allergy-friendly: In today’s world, food allergies are an ever-growing population. However, it is safe to say—pears do not fall into this category. In fact, pears have been coined to be hypoallergenic. Hypoallergenic means that a food or item is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. This makes pears safe for those who are “allergy conscious” and remember: safe food is good food!


Special note: although pears are coined to be hypoallergenic, it doesn’t mean you may not be allergic or sensitive to this fruit. If you suspect a food allergy or sensitivity, please see your doctor before eating a pear.


5. Loaded with Antioxidants: Antioxidants are important for building up a healthy immune system and helping to fight disease. The two vitamins copper and Vitamin C are antioxidant nutrients that make up a large portion of the pear! In addition, quercetin which is found in the skin of the pear is also another source of antioxidants.


3 Tasty Pear Recipes You’ll Want to Try


Pears are not only beneficial for your health but, can also elevate any recipe. There are endless culinary possibilities with pears because of their unique versatility. From savory to sweet, your options are endless! Next time you’re at the grocery store, pick up some pears, and consider trying one of these great recipes:


1. Crunchy Slaw with Asian Pear and Manchego: For a refreshing winter slaw, whisk together chopped pumpkin seeds, lemon juice, mustard, maple syrup, and oil. Drizzle this over top cabbage, fennel, Asian pears, celery root, daikon, and Manchego. Enjoy as the perfect winter side salad or paired with your favorite protein source!


2. Pear Crisp: Combine peeled and sliced pears with vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Make an easy streusel topping by mixing together butter, flour, oats, sugar, and pecans and sprinkling over the sliced pears. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes and enjoy! Try topping with vanilla ice cream or caramel sauce for a sweet treat.


3. Balsamic, Pear, and Onion Pizza: For a sweet and savory pizza, add cooked onions, mozzarella cheese, pear slices and your favorite pizza seasonings to the pizza dough. Bake for 6 to 10 minutes. Drizzle balsamic or balsamic glaze over the pizza and serve!


During the month of December, show some appreciation to the all-mighty pear during National Pear Month. Try a new variety of pear, incorporate them into one of your meals, or get out of your comfort zone and try a brand-new pear recipe! However, you choose to enjoy, fill your body with this delicious and nutritious fruit! Mark your calendars and don’t forget to pick your pears this December!


Your Turn to Take Action: During the month of December, how will you use pears in your recipes? Let me know in the comments below.

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