10 Ways to Combat Stress

flaggedYou may believe there are many reasons to stress, but there are just as many ways if not more ways to fight it.  Here are 10 ways you can combat stress in your life! 

1. Long Walks– Spring has sprung!  A nice long walk outside can relax you and let you organize your thoughts.

2. Be a Kid– There is an inner child that resides inside each one of us.  Joining in your children’s fun can be just the thing you need to remind you to just let loose and enjoy!

3. Bubble Bath– It may seem cliche, but there is something about taking a bubble bath that can make all your stress melt away.  Use soaps with luxurious scents like vanilla, lavender, and jasmine to enhance the experience.

4. Have a Laugh– Take a few minutes to look up funny videos online.  Laughter and viewing silly things can take you out of that serious, stressed state, and put you in a lighter mood!

5. Meditate– Though it may seem unnatural, taking 5-10 minutes to sit in a quiet space, closing your eyes, and taking some deep breaths can make you feel like a new person.  Clearing your mind for a few minutes every day can help you focus and feel refreshed!

6. Phone a Friend– Take a few minutes to call a close friend just to say hello.  Not only will you brighten her day, it will make you happy to talk to someone outside of your realm of stress.

7. Visualization Vacation– While it is unfortunately impossible to take a physical vacation every day, you can take a mental one.  Whether it is looking at photos of you on a wonderful vacation, or viewing pictures online of a place you would like to go, visualize yourself taking a break to help give yourself a daily vacation!

8. Make an “I Did” List– To do lists can be a helpful organizational tool, but when they are pages long they can overwhelm you and cause you to worry.  Instead, make an “I Did” list and write all the things you accomplished that day or that week.  Noting your accomplishments is an important part of stress management.

9. Look in a Book– Find a book that you have been wanting to read and make it a point to read one chapter a night.  Immerse yourself in the story and step into the characters shoes for a while!

10. Mirror, Mirror– Take a look at yourself in the mirror and list all the good things in your life.  Stress can take us away from the many positives that surround us on a daily basis.  Bringing your mind back to those things you are proud of or that bring you joy can make certain stressful elements seem trivial and it can put a new perspective on your day!

Your turn to take action: Which of these 10 ways will you begin to use today?

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5 replies
  1. Kay Kauffman
    Kay Kauffman says:

    These are good ideas. I constantly feel stressed, and trying to fit in stress-busting techniques only seems to add to the level of stress I feel. These don’t seem so difficult, though. Although closing my eyes for ten minutes might lead to them staying closed for a lot longer than I’d planned! 😛 Thanks for this post!

    • Bonnie R. Giller
      Bonnie R. Giller says:

      Thanks for your comment Kay. Best way to use these ideas is to pick one and implement it for a week or two, then see how you feel. I agree, trying to do all at once will be overwhelming. I hope this helps!


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  1. […] you need help finding ways to take care of yourself, check out my recent blog post 10 Ways to Combat Stress!  Remember, your loved ones need you, but they need you to be happy and healthy more than […]

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