6 Nutrients Found in Spinach (and 5 Ways to Enjoy)

Did you know that March 26th is National Spinach Day? This leafy green vegetable, beloved by Popeye, has many wonderful health benefits. Spinach is packed with many vitamins and minerals, and can be enjoyed in numerous ways.


Eating this vegetable comes with a few health benefits including improved blood sugar control, a decreased risk of cancer, and stronger bones. Spinach may be low in calories like other greens, but it’s overflowing with nutrition. The power behind these benefits are thanks to the nutrients inside.


Spinach is also a versatile food that you can eat raw or cook into a delicious meal. Due to its high nutrient content, it’s a great addition to any meal!


6 Reasons to Add Spinach to Your Menu


This small leafy green is dense in nutrients that your body needs. Here are 6 nutrients spinach provides and why they’re important:


1. Vitamin K is used for blood clotting and bone health.


2. Iron is important for energy production and making DNA.


3. Calcium is needed to build strong bones and healthy teeth.


4. Vitamin C strengthens your immune system and helps with wound healing.


5. Potassium can help to lower blood pressure and may protect against stroke and osteoporosis.


6. Folate encourages tissues to grow and cells to work.


5 Fun Ways to Eat Spinach


The best thing about spinach is that it’s relatively inexpensive and easy to incorporate into your meals. There are plenty of recipes including this delicious green on the internet or in my cookbook, Enjoying Food Peace.


Here are 5 ways to add spinach to your eating plan:


1. Salads – Use spinach as your green base and top with other foods such as tomatoes, grilled chicken, or chickpeas. Include citrus fruit like orange slices or lemon juice to help improve the absorption of iron in your body and add some tangy flavor!


2. Soups and Stews – When your soup or stew is almost done cooking, mix in a few cups of fresh spinach and cook until the leaves are wilted.


3. Smoothies – Blend 1 cup of fresh spinach, a banana, 1 cup of your favorite frozen fruit, and 1 cup of liquid for a tasty green smoothie.


4. Pasta – Try adding spinach to your pasta sauce and cook until wilted or serve your pasta on top of a bed of fresh spinach.


5. Omelets – Experiment with adding spinach to your breakfast omelet along with mushrooms, onions, and colorful bell peppers.


Your body and taste buds will surely thank you for adding this yummy green to your meals. Experiment and enjoy!


Your Turn to Take Action: What’s your favorite way to eat spinach? Let me know in the comments below!

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